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True & False Quiz Written by Mr. Kreiser. Click on true or false. TrueFalse 1. Interest groups try to influence government directly by lobbying. 2. The.

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Presentation on theme: "True & False Quiz Written by Mr. Kreiser. Click on true or false. TrueFalse 1. Interest groups try to influence government directly by lobbying. 2. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 True & False Quiz Written by Mr. Kreiser

2 Click on true or false. TrueFalse 1. Interest groups try to influence government directly by lobbying. 2. The set of values and beliefs about a nation and its government that most citizens share is called public opinion. 3. Moderates are a group of Americans that believe in a limited national government. 4. The group that is studied in a scientific poll is called the universe. 5. Gifts are a lobbyist’s strongest weapon to influence political policy. 6. PACs stands for Politicians against committees. 7. The purpose of interests groups is to help bridge the gap between the citizen and the government. 8. An ideology is a set of basic beliefs about life, culture, government, and society. 9. The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) is an example of a labor- related interest group. 10. Lawmakers benefit from lobbyists because they sometimes provide research and writing of bills.

3 #1 True. Correct!! You have answered this question correctly! Keep it up! Lobbying is the most direct way for interest groups to influence government.

4 #1 False. Sorry, but you answered this question incorrectly. It is true that lobbying is the most direct way for interest groups to try to influence government.

5 #2 True. INCORRECT! This shared set of values and beliefs that most citizens share about a nation and its government, is actually called political culture.

6 #2 False. You have answered correctly!! Very good work! The set of values and beliefs about a nation and its government that most citizens share is called a political culture.

7 #3 True. Try again. The answer is actually False. Moderates beliefs fall somewhere between liberal and conservative views. Conservatives believe in a limited national government.

8 #3 False. Very good choice!! Conservatives believe in a limited national government. Liberals on the other hand believe that the national government should be active in promoting health, education, justice, and equal opportunity. Those who are moderate have beliefs that fall somewhere in between Liberals and Conservatives.

9 #4 True. Correct!! A universe might be all of the seniors in this high school, all of the people in Lancaster County, or all of the women in Pennsylvania.

10 #4 False. Incorrect!! In conducting polls, the group of people that are to be studied is called the universe.

11 #5 True. Sorry, but you have answered incorrectly. Gifts are influential in some instances, but information is the lobbyist’s number one weapon used to influence political policy.

12 #5 False. Good choice! Information is actually a lobbyist’s strongest weapon.

13 #6 True. Guess again…the answer is False. PACs are political action committees. PACs are organizations specifically designed to collect money and provide financial support for a political candidate.

14 #6 False. CORRECT! PACs (political action committees), are organizations specifically designed to collect money and provide financial support for a political candidate.

15 #7 True. YES!! Good choice! Through interest groups, citizens communicate their “wants,” or policy goals, to government leaders.

16 #7 False. The correct answer is True. The purpose of interest groups is to help bridge the gap between the citizen and the government.

17 #8 True. CORRECT CHOICE!! One’s political ideology provides the framework for looking at government and public policy.

18 #8 False. Incorrect choice! An ideology is a set of basic beliefs about life, culture, government, and society. One’s political ideology provides framework for looking at government and public policy.

19 #9 True. The answer is actually false. The National Farmers’ Union (NFU), is an agricultural interest group, that represents smaller farmers and favors higher price supports for crops and livestock.

20 #9 False. Nice choice!! The National Farmers’ Union (NFU), is an agricultural interest group, that represents smaller farmers and favors higher price supports for crops and livestock. An example of a labor-related interest group is the AFL-CIO. This interest group is primarily concerned with labor relations.

21 #10 True. CORRECT!! Lobbyists provide useful information and can actually help write bills.

22 #10 False. Sorry, wrong choice. Lawmakers do benefit from lobbyists because they sometimes provide research and writing of bills. Lobbyists will provide lawmakers with as much information as possible, so the lawmakers support them. Information is the most important method of persuasion for a lobbyist.

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