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Presentation on theme: "Montgomery County Math PD January 21, 2016 PLEASE SET UP YOUR NAME TENT AND SIT WITH YOUR GRADE BAND."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Number Talks – 2 week challenge Plan - 2 more weeks worth of number talks Revisit tasks, discourse, representations Discuss Formative Assessment Lessons Cartoon Math

3 Upcoming School Visits Green Ridge & Star – February 3 rd Troy & Mt. Gilead – February 23 rd Green Ridge – March 2 nd Star – March 9 th

4 2 Week Number Talk Challenge What types of number talks did you use? What worked well? What didn’t work well?

5 Planning Number Talks With your team (or individually) plan 2 more weeks of number talks. As you are planning each day’s talk be sure to consider: What problem(s) you will introduce. What solution strategies do you anticipate from students? Will you include think-pair-shares? If so, will you use discussion prompts? How long will you spend on the number talks?

6 Tasks - Discuss What kind of tasks do you typically use in your classroom? How have you worked towards making tasks more: high-level? open-ended? focused on connecting to other math concepts, other disciplines, or the real- world?

7 Discourse - Discuss What is the discourse community like in your classroom? How have you worked towards: Allowing students to participate more? Allowing students to talk with each other? Using “fat” questions that probes students’ thinking? Allowing students to provide explanations/justifications for their reasoning?

8 Representations - Discuss How do you use representations within your classroom? How can you incorporate more translations between the representations for both you and your students? What tools do students use for learning and what tools can you work on incorporating more?

9 Coherence - Discuss How do you attend to the coherence of a lesson? How do you make sure to wrap-up the lesson’s goals at the end? How do you organize all pieces logically? Have you worked towards being more aware of mathematical accuracy in your lessons?

10 “If you can both listen to children and accept their answers not as things to be judged right or wrong but as pieces of information which may reveal what the child is thinking, you will have taken a giant step toward becoming a master teacher, not just…a disseminator of information.” -Easley & Zwoyer  Do you agree/disagree with this statement?  What do you think about this statement?  What does this statement suggest about grading/assessment?

11 What is a Formative Assessment Lesson? A scripted lesson. A challenging task that is out of the ordinary and involves problem solving and ‘productive struggle’. Builds student’s ability to become confident problem solvers. Typically used during the first half to two-thirds way through the unit. These lessons are not about getting the correct answer, but about generating thinking and discussion among students.

12 Two types of FALs Concept FocusedProblem Solving Focused Specific content is central to the activity Reveals prior knowledge Develops understanding of ideas Connects concepts to other mathematical knowledge Two-thirds of the way through a unit (suggestion!) Activity draws on knowledge about a variety of content Assesses and develops ability to apply mathematical knowledge and reasoning in flexible ways to non-routine, unstructured problems. Every month or two throughout the year (suggestion!)

13 Accessing the FALs Select your grade level and unit on the GMU website. You should see a guide that will suggest when you should implement the FAL. Visit: http://ccgpsmathematicsk- 5+Formative+Assessment+Lessons+%28FALs%29http://ccgpsmathematicsk- 5+Formative+Assessment+Lessons+%28FALs%29 Or you can Google Georgia Math Units FAL

14 Tips for Implementing Work through the FAL as a student before looking at solutions. Take time to consider and anticipate misconceptions that may arise. Take time to listen to what students are saying in their groups before speaking. Embed FALs in appropriate units about 2/3 of the way through.

15 Examining an FAL With your grade level select a FAL to read through completely. Discuss: How and when the FAL will be used in your unit. How will you implement the FAL. Questions/concerns you have about the FAL.

16 Break

17 Introduction to Cartoon Math


19 Patterns in Counting 123456710 1112131415161720 2122232425262730 3132333435363740 4142434445464750 5152535455565760 6162636465666770 71727374757677100

20 Learning to Count What challenges did you face while learning to count? How else can the teachers on Planet Cartoon teach their children to count? How is counting on Planet Cartoon similar and different to that of counting on Earth?


22 Learning to Add and Subtract What challenges did you face when learning to add and subtract? How is what you know, so far, about adding and subtracting on Planet Cartoon similar and different to that of Planet Earth?


24 Considering Place Value How is Miss Kitty’s system of grouping the candies similar or different to how we use place value on Planet Earth?

25 Lunch


27 More Addition and Subtraction How did the grouping of the candies help and/or hinder you while solving the previous problems?


29 Discuss Did having a context to consider when describing the addition and subtraction algorithm help or hinder you? How so?

30 Number Talks on Planet Cartoon Use number sense to mentally calculate: 42 + 37

31 Number Talks on Planet Cartoon Use number sense to mentally calculate: 54 - 25

32 Try this! On Planet Cartoon, dynamite is packaged 12 sticks in a box. The coyote has 14 full boxes and 3 more sticks left over from his last failed attempt to catch the roadrunner. How many sticks of dynamite does the coyote have?

33 Try this! The coyote is going to lay some traps along the road. He will use 16 sticks of dynamite in each trap. How many traps can he lay? (Refer to the previous problem for the total number of sticks of dynamite.)

34 Multiplication on Planet Cartoon Now that we are whizzes at adding and subtracting on the planet Cartoon, we will learn how to multiply and divide!!! One way to think about multiplication is as repeated addition. Using repeated addition solve 3 x 4.

35 Multiplication Patterns

36 More Multiplication Use your multiplication chart to help you solve this problem efficiently: Coyote purchased 16 full boxes of bombs. Acme packages 14 bombs per box. How many bombs does Coyote have to try to get Roadrunner?

37 Reflection On chart paper (with your table): List all the challenges you encountered while working on Planet Cartoon. Challenges 1. List all the challenges you encountered.

38 Reflection On chart paper (with your table): List possible solutions for the challenges you encountered. ChallengesPossible Solutions 1. Example: Had to draw a picture for every problem in order to solve it. 1. Incorporate more opportunities for my students to solve a problem with manipulatives or pictures versus using symbols. Help students to understand place value by working with base- ten blocks consistently.

39 Planning Time With your grade level team: Find 1 task that you can implement from the GMUs. Be sure to consider how to: Make it open-ended and higher level, how to incorporate student discourse, what reps and tools you’ll use, and how you’ll attend to mathematical accuracy. Find 1 game that you can implement. **Use what you’ve learned about math on Planet Cartoon to help you plan for student misconceptions and solution strategies.**

40 Exit Ticket Please complete the survey at the link or QR code below:

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