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II. The Gas Laws BOYLES CHARLES GAY- LUSSAC Ch. 12 - Gases.

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Presentation on theme: "II. The Gas Laws BOYLES CHARLES GAY- LUSSAC Ch. 12 - Gases."— Presentation transcript:

1 II. The Gas Laws BOYLES CHARLES GAY- LUSSAC Ch. 12 - Gases

2 A. Boyle’s Law b The pressure and volume of a gas are inversely related at constant mass & temp P V P 1 V 1 =P 2 V 2

3 A. Boyle’s Law

4 V T B. Charles’ Law b The volume and absolute temperature (K) of a gas are directly related at constant mass & pressure V 1 =V 2 T 1 = T 2

5 B. Charles’ Law

6 P T C. Gay-Lussac’s Law b The pressure and absolute temperature (K) of a gas are directly related at constant mass & volume P 1 = P 2 T 1 T 2

7 D. Combined Gas Law P1V1T1P1V1T1 = P2V2T2P2V2T2 P 1 V 1 T 2 = P 2 V 2 T 1

8 GIVEN: V 1 = 100. mL P 1 = 150. kPa V 2 = ? P 2 = 200. kPa WORK: P 1 V 1 T 2 = P 2 V 2 T 1 E. Gas Law Problems b A gas occupies 100. mL at 150. kPa. Find its volume at 200. kPa. BOYLE’S LAW PP VV (150.kPa)(100.mL)=(200.kPa)V 2 V 2 = 75.0 mL

9 GIVEN: V 1 = 473 cm 3 T 1 = 36°C = 309K V 2 = ? T 2 = 94°C = 367K WORK: P 1 V 1 T 2 = P 2 V 2 T 1 E. Gas Law Problems b A gas occupies 473 cm 3 at 36°C. Find its volume at 94°C. CHARLES’ LAW TT VV (473 cm 3 )(367 K)=V 2 (309 K) V 2 = 562 cm 3

10 GIVEN: P 1 = 765 torr T 1 = 23°C = 296K P 2 = 560. torr T 2 = ? WORK: P 1 V 1 T 2 = P 2 V 2 T 1 E. Gas Law Problems b A gas’ pressure is 765 torr at 23°C. At what temperature will the pressure be 560. torr? GAY-LUSSAC’S LAW PP TT (765 torr)T 2 = (560. torr)(309K) T 2 = 226 K = -47°C

11 F. STP Standard Temperature & Pressure 0°C 273 K 1 atm101.325 kPa -OR- STP

12 GIVEN: V 1 = 7.84 cm 3 P 1 = 71.8 kPa T 1 = 25°C = 298 K V2 = ?V2 = ? P 2 = 101.325 kPa T 2 = 273 K WORK: P 1 V 1 T 2 = P 2 V 2 T 1 (71.8 kPa)(7.84 cm 3 )(273 K) =(101.325 kPa) V 2 (298 K) V 2 = 5.09 cm 3 E. Gas Law Problems b A gas occupies 7.84 cm 3 at 71.8 kPa & 25°C. Find its volume at STP. P  T  VV COMBINED GAS LAW

13 SolveSolve b Divers get “the bends” if they come up too fast because gas in their blood expands, forming bubbles in their blood. If a diver has 0.05 L of gas in his blood under a pressure of 250 atm, then rises instantaneously to a depth where his blood has a pressure of 50.0 atm, what will the volume of gas in his blood be? Do you think this will harm the diver?

14 SolveSolve b On hot days, you may have noticed that potato chip bags seem to “inflate”, even though they have not been opened. If I have a 250 mL bag at a temperature of 19 0 C, and I leave it in my car which has a temperature of 60 0 C, what will the new volume of the bag be?

15 SolveSolve b A gas is heated from 263.0 K to 298.0 K and the volume is increased from 24.0 liters to 35.0 liters by moving a large piston within a cylinder. If the original pressure was 1.00 atm, what would the final pressure be?

16 SolveSolve b A gas with a volume of 4.0L at a pressure of 205kPa is allowed to expand to a volume of 12.0L. What is the pressure in the container if the temperature remains constant?

17 SolveSolve b A gas has a pressure of 699.0 mm Hg at 40.0 °C. What is the temperature at standard pressure?

18 SolveSolve b I have added 15 L of air to a balloon at sea level (1.0 atm). If I take the balloon with me to Denver, where the air pressure is 0.85 atm, what will the new volume of the balloon be?

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