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State-Feedback Control of the SpaceHawk Earth-Based Lunar Hopper Andrew Abraham, May 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "State-Feedback Control of the SpaceHawk Earth-Based Lunar Hopper Andrew Abraham, May 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 State-Feedback Control of the SpaceHawk Earth-Based Lunar Hopper Andrew Abraham, May 2013

2 Background 2 OBSTACLE Location ALocation B Researching the dynamics and controls associated with a ‘hopping’ spacecraft trajectory

3 Background 3 Surveyor 6 Mars Exploration Rover 1967- Surveyor 6 has been the only spacecraft to ‘hop’ - Travelled 8 ft. Conventional landers are designed to be rovers constrained to the ground - Disadvantageous for exploring

4 Specifications 4 4 ducted fans; each with 10lbs of thrust @ full throttle Fans Produce ZERO torque @ 75% Gimbaled in 1 direction Frame made from aluminum Easy to construct Total weight: 32lbs 26” From end to end

5 Arduino Mega for control computer MEMS IMU 4 LiPoly Batteries: 2.25lbs each ICE 80amp Electronic Speed Controller Project funded by NASA Specifications 5 6 DOF Analog IMU Arduino Mega 1 of 4 LiPo Batteries

6 Testing 6

7 7

8 Axis and Forces 8

9 Definitions 9

10 Equations of Motion 10

11 Feedback Linearization (Position) 11 Exact Linearization Control Law Plug Into Equations of Motion Now, linear control laws can be used with r as the virtual input

12 12 Exact Feedback Linearization (Angles) Exact Linearization Control Law Plug Into Equations of Motion Now, linear control laws can be used with r as the virtual input

13 13 Approximate Feedback Linearization (Angles) Exact Linearization Control Law (highly nonlinear) Near δ = 0 Approximate Linearization Control Law (linear) &

14 Critically-Damped PD Controller 14

15 Control Strategy 15

16 Control Implementation 16 Over-Actuated System Without Following Two Additional Constraints Time PWM

17 Simulation 17 A B 3m 10m

18 Definitions 18 Red = Reference Signal, Blue = Exact, Green = Approximate

19 Acknowledgements 19 Authors: Anthony Dzaba, Andrew Abraham, Evan Mucasey, Terry Hart, and Eugenio Schuster Funding Agencies: NASA PA Space Grant

20 Thank You! 20

21 Definitions 21

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