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Proteins! By J, J & G. Basic Structure  Monomer  Amino Acids  Organic molecules with both an amino group and a carboxyl group.

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Presentation on theme: "Proteins! By J, J & G. Basic Structure  Monomer  Amino Acids  Organic molecules with both an amino group and a carboxyl group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proteins! By J, J & G

2 Basic Structure  Monomer  Amino Acids  Organic molecules with both an amino group and a carboxyl group

3 Amino Acids!

4 Basic Structure  Polymerize  Yes… to form polypeptides!  Dehydration Synthesis






10 HYDROPHILIC OR HYDROPHOBIC?  THE SIDE CHAIN OF AMINO ACIDS DECIDES!  Parts of the protein will be hydrophobic or hydrophilic  The side chains of amino acids determine how the proteins fold- hydrophobic parts of the chain fold inward

11 Chaperonin  Protein molecules that assist in the proper folding of proteins  Keep the new polypeptide segregated from the cytoplasm Image retrieved from: onins&lang=1

12 Protein Sources  Ultimate Nutrition Iso Sensation Choc Fudge Protein Powder (40 g per scoop)

13  Pork Chops (26 g per 3 oz. serving)  Yellowfin Tuna (25 g per 3 oz. serving)  Chicken Breast (24 g per 3 oz. serving)  Steak (23 g per 3 oz. serving)

14  Greek Yogurt (23 g per 8 oz. serving)  Cottage Cheese (14 g per 1/2 cup serving)  Swiss cheese (8 g per 1 oz. serving)  Eggs (6 g per 1 large egg)

15 Protein Functions in the Body  Enzymatic Proteins: Selective acceleration of chemical reactions.  Storage Proteins: Storage of all amino acids.  Hormonal proteins: Coordination of an organism's activities.

16  Contractile and motor proteins: Movement  Defensive proteins: Protection against disease  Transport proteins: Transport of substances  Receptor proteins: Response of cell to chemical stimuli.  Structural proteins: Support

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