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REENGINEERING OF SOCIAL STATISTICS STATE OF PLAY AND NEXT STEPS Inna Šteinbuka Director, Social and Information Society Statistics Eurostat.

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Presentation on theme: "REENGINEERING OF SOCIAL STATISTICS STATE OF PLAY AND NEXT STEPS Inna Šteinbuka Director, Social and Information Society Statistics Eurostat."— Presentation transcript:

1 REENGINEERING OF SOCIAL STATISTICS STATE OF PLAY AND NEXT STEPS Inna Šteinbuka Director, Social and Information Society Statistics Eurostat

2 LUXEMBOURG, 11-12 March 2010Meeting of European Directors of Social Statistics -2- MODernising European Social STatistics – MODESST launching the debate Starting point: ‘ vision’ on the production method of EU statistics (Communication 404/ 2009) From Vision to Strategy (ESS overall strategy) Strategy for Social Statistics is part of overall ESS strategy Modernising a system in transition…where National and EU actions go hand in hand Key question: How a Social Statistics Infrastructure will look like in 2020?

3 LUXEMBOURG, 11-12 March 2010Meeting of European Directors of Social Statistics -3- STRATEGY SOCIAL STATISTICS Reengineering social statistics HOW? WHAT? Maintaining current production Lessons driven from the crisis EU 2020 Stiglitz, GDP and beyond Malta Declaration Specific needs FINANCIAL, HUMAN RESOURCES

4 LUXEMBOURG, 11-12 March 2010Meeting of European Directors of Social Statistics -4- Key elements of re-engineering Tapping new data sources without compromising on quality An integrated approach for cross-cutting phenomena Creating added value through data linking / matching Re-engineering of statistical production and dissemination processes Extended ESS co-operation Examples: electronic health records, web-interviewing, migration mainstreaming, Census Hub, life expectancy by socio- economic status, internet as a data source, etc

5 LUXEMBOURG, 11-12 March 2010Meeting of European Directors of Social Statistics -5- Statistical registers Persons Families House- holds DwellingsBuildings Local unit Enterprise Administrative data for statistical purposes Employment Taxation Soc. Prot. Immigration Students … Output Population Families Housing Education Others Coordinated Surveys LFS: Labour Large sample SILC: Income panel General purpose Specific design New data sources Credit card, Commodity (RFID), Toll road, Health records Electronic tickets, Public services electronic transactions, Surveillance of traffic/communication, Mobile phone, Internet use, GPS tracking,.. Multimode data collection Paper CAPI, CATI, WEB Wealth Income Employment Consumption Equality Migration National sources (existing registers, administrative records, etc) Warehouse(s) Statistical processing Linking and matching Family ESS, ECB-wealth, QoL, … Common concepts and methods Target infrastructure for Social Statistics Health Poverty

6 LUXEMBOURG, 11-12 March 2010Meeting of European Directors of Social Statistics -6- Challenges: Analytical frameworks capable of delivering timely and flexible responses to ever increasing user needs While some Member States are at an advanced stage, many others still have some way to go….. Consistency of strategy with Member States needs Long term targets and pragmatic solutions Small number of ambitious ‘vision-engaging’ projects that are manageable in size, and capable of delivering results

7 LUXEMBOURG, 11-12 March 2010Meeting of European Directors of Social Statistics -7- Next Steps Discussion at the DSS – 11 March, 2010 Overall ESS strategy on vision to be endorsed by ESSC in May 2010 Eurostat / DSS -Task Force with the mandate to define relevant projects, processes, and the appropriate means to support the strategy. Expected outcome by September 2010 Adoption by the DSS at/after its next meeting in autumn 2010 Opinion of the ESSC in spring 2011

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