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4.3 Culture and Society. Life in the Colonies Immigration – Population boom 1700- 250,000 1770s- 2.5 million *Population boom due to IMMIGRATION MOSTLY.

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Presentation on theme: "4.3 Culture and Society. Life in the Colonies Immigration – Population boom 1700- 250,000 1770s- 2.5 million *Population boom due to IMMIGRATION MOSTLY."— Presentation transcript:

1 4.3 Culture and Society

2 Life in the Colonies Immigration – Population boom 1700- 250,000 1770s- 2.5 million *Population boom due to IMMIGRATION MOSTLY – Colonies- high quality of life spurs population growth Freedom Economic opportunity

3 Epidemics Life was fragile despite population booms – Women often died of child birth – People experienced epidemics (diseases that wipe out large numbers such as smallpox)

4 A New American Spirit Many Americans were born in other countries – They brought with them different ways of thinking

5 Reading: What is this author asserting? – “He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys and the new rank he holds… Here individuals of all races are meted into a new race of man, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.” -Letters from an American Farmer

6 A New American Spirit SPIRIT OF INDEPENDENCE DEVELOPS – Due to a high level of freedom and self assertion – Settlers created their own habits and way of doing things – This level of freedom created a feeling of independence that is still part of the American culture today

7 Family Roles Men were heads of households – Farmed and built things Women – Ran the household, raised children, sometimes helped work farms

8 American Beliefs Commitment to: – Education New England and Pennsylvania in particular: high levels of literacy and education Due to emphasis on ability to read bible Most colleges in NE originally TRAINED MINISTERS

9 American Beliefs Commitment to: – Religious Belief In the 1730s and 1740s Americans experienced a religious revival called “The Great Awakening” Famous Ministers called for “a new birth” such as – Jonathon Edwards – George Whitfield Inspired greater religious freedom, independent sense of religion/ personal interpretation “The common people now claim as good a right to judge and act in matters of religion as civil rulers or the learned clergy.”

10 American Beliefs Openness to new ideas: – The Enlightenment: Spread idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society. – Example: Benjamin Franklin (scientist) Also promoted – FREEDOM OF THOUGHT – FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION (freedom of press) – A BELIEF IN EQUALITY – THE IDEA OF POPULAR GOVERNMENT

11 Civic Virtue Formed new ideas of freedom – Civic Virtue: democratic ideas, practices, and values that form a truly free society – These ideas and actions would become the building blocks of a new nation

12 Closure Written response and human graph: – You can't create your own culture; it is given to you. (agree or disagree) – The ideas and beliefs of the 1700s are still around today in America (agree or disagree)

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