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14. An Open Invitation Luke 14:12-24 p. 964 Being “cool”  Embedded in the cultural context of the ANE.  Reciprocity, vassalage and patronage  Modern.

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Presentation on theme: "14. An Open Invitation Luke 14:12-24 p. 964 Being “cool”  Embedded in the cultural context of the ANE.  Reciprocity, vassalage and patronage  Modern."— Presentation transcript:


2 14. An Open Invitation Luke 14:12-24 p. 964

3 Being “cool”  Embedded in the cultural context of the ANE.  Reciprocity, vassalage and patronage  Modern equivalent – teen “cool kids”.  Part of a main section:  Thematically – contrasts & reversals. Undermine cultural and religious assumptionsUndermine cultural and religious assumptions  Main device: Parallelism 13:10-35 = 14:1-35

4 13:10-35  14:1-35 13:10-17Healing on the Sabbath14:1-6 13:18-21The spreading welcome of the Kingdom of God The excluding social rules of the kingdom of man14:7-14 13:22-30Who will enter the Kingdom of God?14:15-24 13:31-33Jesus goes to his death in Jerusalem Jesus’ disciples must also carry their cross14:25-33 13:34-35The failure and fate of Jerusalem The call and consequence of what we choose14:34-35

5 1. The Great Invitation  Jesus is dining at a Pharisee’s house (v 1)  Comment (v 15): “we’re blessed because we’ll be eating in the Kingdom of God”  Jewish understanding: Descendants of AbrahamDescendants of Abraham Inheritors of the Law.Inheritors of the Law.  Jesus challenges this notion. “will those who are saved be few?” (13:23)“will those who are saved be few?” (13:23) Salvation will be given to those you wouldn’t expect.Salvation will be given to those you wouldn’t expect.

6 2. The Great Shaming  Due to work, wealth & family – guests don’t come  Give a strong message about not being distracted (v 25-27)  Invited guests put their own concerns above coming.  They shamed the host.  When we do this, we too dishonour him (Rom 1:21)  Greatest risk is have just enough religion to feel “insiders”  False security from spiritual practices that demand little.

7 3. The Great Reversal  Host breaks the whole system of social convention  He invites outsiders (v 21); “compels” them to come (v 23)  He assures them of a welcome.  Those who won’t come are excluded forever (13:25, 14:24)

8 Living It  God love means he invites us into a New Life.  Out of this New Life we come at last to the Great Banquet  Jesus makes clear:  Everyone is invited, only those who come will be part  Those who don’t shame their host, but he won’t be shamed  The invitation does not last forever  It is an invitation to a “Great Banquet” (not a chore!)


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