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Stop Stock-outs Campaign: Uganda Kibira Denis (MPS) HEPS-UGANDA 27 th May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Stop Stock-outs Campaign: Uganda Kibira Denis (MPS) HEPS-UGANDA 27 th May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stop Stock-outs Campaign: Uganda Kibira Denis (MPS) HEPS-UGANDA 27 th May 2010

2 Context In Uganda, according to the Pharmaceutical Situation Assessment-Level II-Health Facility Survey Report 2008 of Ministry of Health, only 45.7% public health facilities had a basket of 28 essential medicines. The duration of stock-outs in these facilities in 2007-8 averaged 2.5months per year Medicines are free in the public sector; in the private sector they cost 3-5 times more than international reference prices

3 Stock-outs

4 Methods CSO coalition/alliances Partnerships with other stakeholders ; MoH, Private sector through MeTA Champions: Patients, MPs and local artists Monitoring Medicines availability and price survey reports by MoH/WHO/HAI (HEPS) Campaign IEC material Press conferences, public rallies and fora, radio talk shows Community outreaches/road shows

5 Artist Bobi Wine wows crowd

6 Artist Bobi Wine on bike with Woman MP Nabila

7 Overall availability of 40 key medicines across sectors 2006-2009

8 Price trends of key antimalarial medicines in the private sector 2006-2009

9 Cont’d Pill-check public campaigns

10 Achievements Stop Stock-outs campaign has raised more awareness about the right to health and to access essential medicines in Uganda than ever before leading to wide media and public outcry NMS responses to media articles and delivery schedules in news papers NMS granted financial and operational autonomy President and other politicians have come out to publicly condemn stock outs Creation of Drug Monitoring Unit

11 Medicines on spotlight


13 Conclusion The campaign has used evidence on availability and prices of medicines to highlight problem of access It is now time to move on to more specific commodities especially RH supplies


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