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BELLWORK 1.Describe the two versions of Rome’s creation – legend vs. reality 2.Explain how geography effected Roman civilization. 3.Before the republic.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK 1.Describe the two versions of Rome’s creation – legend vs. reality 2.Explain how geography effected Roman civilization. 3.Before the republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK 1.Describe the two versions of Rome’s creation – legend vs. reality 2.Explain how geography effected Roman civilization. 3.Before the republic was established, how was Rome ruled? 4.What is a republic? 5.THINKER: Even though the Romans promised never to have a king again, tyrants will eventually come to power. How? Why were individuals able to come to power even though this went against their promise of a republic?

2 Is the U.S. a republic or democracy? Democracy is a form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot proposals. A republic is a system in which the people choose representatives who, in turn, make policy decisions on their behalf

3 Is the U.S. a republic or democracy?

4 Rome: Conflict and Crisis

5 Roman Expansion Punic Wars: 264BC-146BC, series of three wars between Rome and the North- African city state of Carthage. Both wanted control of western Mediterranean. Rome was victorious and captured all cities from the Mediterranean to Spain to Asia Minor.


7 Carthaginian General Hannibal crossing the Alps during the Second Punic War.

8 Romans attack on Carthage


10 The Republic in Crisis Rome’s military expansion encompassed multiple countries with no regard to their way of life/culture  REVOLT! Roman officials overtaxed residents  REVOLT! Wealthy Romans acquired large estates and used slaves to work their land – this put small farmers out of their business and homes  REVOLT! Putting down these revolts cost Rome a lot of troops, money, and resources.

11 Reform In the 50’s BC, Julius Caesar, took over the government and named himself dictator. Expanded empire to Gaul (France) Gave jobs to unemployed, public land to the poor, and citizenship to conquered peoples. Some Romans loved Caesar for his reforms, others saw him as a tyrant who meant to end the republic and make himself king. On March 15, 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated by a group of government officials.



14 Caesar’s Assassination March 15, 44BC Cesar was to appear at a meeting of the Senate. As he arrived, the group of conspirators gathered around him pretending to show support. Cimber approached him to sign a document and pulled him down by his shoulders then Casca stabbed him in the neck Within moments, the entire group (including Brutus) was gathered around him on the steps of Senate stabbing him. Around 60 men participated in the assassination and Cesar was stabbed 23 times His last words were “You too, Brutus?” as he realized his best friend was involved in the plot Brutus and his followers marched through Rome shouting “People of Rome, we are once again free!” Caesar’s dead body lay on the Senate floor for three hours In the following chaos, Augustus Cesar led a series of 5 civil wars which ended with the reformation of the Roman Empire.



17 Roman Society Jigsaw

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