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Retail Market Subcommittee Update to TAC May 6, 2004.

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1 Retail Market Subcommittee Update to TAC May 6, 2004

2 RMS Procedures Revision – RMS Procedures were last revised April 4, 2002 – A review of those procedures, performed at the request of the TAC Chair, identified the need for revision – Revisions include minor clean-up for naming/capitalization and removing a list of specific standing RMS working groups – Recommendations to add, delete of modify standing or ad hoc working groups will continue to be brought to TAC for approval – Standing RMS working groups are identified and provide links to activities on the RMS ERCOT website – Change would reduce the need for future revisions to Procedures – RMS approved proposed revisions on April 14, requests TAC approval of same

3 Linked Service Address Issue Update – Linked service address issue presented at April 8 TAC meeting – Market meetings held April 8 and April 21; additional meeting date(s) to be determined pending completion of action items – To identify and address problems created to date – detailed data provided to market, address matching methodology documented, preliminary analysis performed, baseline data revision need identified and iteration(s) currently underway – preliminary analysis suggests potential inadvertent enrollments needing additional review of up to ~2,500 ESIs (from mismatch population of > 575,000) – proposed resolution process for inadvertent enrollments not yet established (considering use of FasTrak tool for visibility and tracking)

4 Linked Service Address Issue Update – To establish the proper one-to-one linkage between an ESI and a service address to prevent future problems. – ERCOT system fix moved into production – Sample 814_20s being processed to confirm efficacy of fix – TDSPs to submit correction 814_20s on coordinated schedule (anticipated to occur ~mid-May)

5 SCR 732 Briefing – FasTrak is an on-line tool, developed by ERCOT, that has evolved into the primary retail transaction issue resolution tool. It is used to register, communicate and track through resolution various market transaction issues or exceptions – FasTrak has, through practical necessity, been used for purposes well outside those initially envisioned when the tool was created – RMS identified a need to revisit market business requirements associated with retail transaction issue resolution activities to identify potential enhancements to FasTrak – SCR 732 creates a project team (2 ERCOT FTEs over 3 months) to develop detailed system requirements for an enhanced FasTrak process (a separate project would be required to proceed further) – ERCOT plans to host 3 meetings in May to gather requirements – TAC input and feedback is welcomed

6 Attachments/Document Links – Proposed RMS Procedures revision – RMS ERCOT internet website –SCR 732 and related impact statement, comments &path=../ercotpublicweb/market/ftp/SystemChangeRequests/732SCR_Enhanceme nts_to_FasTrak_Process &path=../ercotpublicweb/market/ftp/SystemChangeRequests/732SCR_Enhanceme nts_to_FasTrak_Process

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