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Microsoft Excel & VBA Day 2 Log onto a computer..

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Excel & VBA Day 2 Log onto a computer.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Excel & VBA Day 2 Log onto a computer.

2 Objectives for today: The proficient student will be able to …display data interactively using high quality charts in Excel …filter data sets by working with a large data set of earthquakes.

3 Activity #1 We will open the data set on the Student I: drive, into Excel. (earthquakes_2011.txt) –We will sort this data. –We will display some of the data interactively.

4 Equirectangular Projection Distance between latitude lines are equal. Distance between longitude lines are equal.

5 Excel Assignment #1 Due before next class starts.

6 Objectives for today: The proficient student will be able to …display data interactively using high quality charts in Excel …filter data sets by working with a large data set of earthquakes.

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