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Approximately 620,000 soldiers died during the Civil War.

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2 Approximately 620,000 soldiers died during the Civil War.

3 INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENTS: There were also contributions and achievements as a result of the war. “While our soldiers stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them.” Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross Julia Ward Howe watched Union Soldiers march off to war. She replaced the lyrics to “John Brown’s Body” with the lyrics of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, beginning with “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord…” William Carney became the first African American to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery For the assault at Fort Wagner. Phillip Bazaar, born in Chile, carried dispatches under heavy Fire during the Battle of Fort Fisher And became the first Hispanic American to Receive the Congressional Medal of Honor

4 The southern economy, farms, railroads and cities were destroyed. 40% of farms 60% of factories and railroads Slaves set free = no more free labor The South was in ruins.



7 Northern industries grew and replaced farming as the basis of the economy The Federal government grew larger and more powerful

8 In January 1865, Lincoln urged Congress to pass the 13 th Amendment Slavery was abolished in the United States


10 Slaves were set free but had NOTHING …..but freedom Many only had the clothes on their backs.


12 Less than 10% of African-Americans could read or write. Most had no skills but manual labor. Freedman’s Bureau was created to help former slaves get food, shelter and an education

13 Reconstruction is the period of rebuilding the nation after the Civil War Part of reconstruction was to create a plan to readmit southern states into the Union Abraham Lincoln’s plan called for peace and forgiveness Two different plans would soon emerge……both would cause problems

14 Johnson was a Democrat selected by Lincoln to be his Vice- president. Johnson believed Reconstruction was the job of the President, not Congress

15 His plan was based on Lincoln’s goals Johnson insisted the South ratify the 13 th Amendment and accept the supreme power of the federal government Johnson did little to punish Southerners who were not following his plan

16 Some southern states refused the 13th Amend and created Black Codes ….laws that limited freedoms of former slaves The Ku Klux Klan was created to intimidate and harass freed slaves


18 Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866…..Congress had enough of Johnson!

19 Radical Republicans charged President Johnson with “improper conduct” and impeached him.

20 The Senate voted and Johnson was only one vote away from being removed Johnson would have very little impact on Reconstruction after the hearing

21 Radical Republicans wanted to punish the south. They wanted to ensure equal rights for African- Americans

22 Reconstruction Act of 1867 divided the South into 5 military districts Southerners must create new state govt’s and ratify new amendments before they could rejoin the Union

23 Radical Republicans also passed the 14 th and 15 th Amendments giving African Americans citizenship and the right to vote. Hiram Revels of Mississippi becomes the 1 st African American Senator


25 Carpetbaggers were Northerners who came to the South looking to get rich or get elected

26 Scalawags were white southerners who helped the Republicans and Freedman.


28 F…R….E…E…that spells FREE CITIZENS VOTE. com baby!

29 Many African-Americans and poor whites turned to sharecropping in the South as a way to make a living

30 Workers rented land Landowners gave tools, seed and housing Workers never made enough money to pay rent

31 Freedman and poor white farmers got caught in a cycle of debt and poverty Many Southerners, both black and white would remain poor and landless for the next 100 years

32 Republican Ulysses S Grant is elected president n 1868 Grant fought for African-Americans new freedoms by trying to destroy the KKK

33 Grant wins the Election of 1872….but an economic panic, scandal and corruption weaken his presidency

34 By 1877 the North was tired of Reconstruction…too much money and time being spent. President Rutherford B Hayes withdrew troops from the South Southern Democrats regained control of the South Reconstruction provided legal rights for African-Americans but they would still face widespread violence and prejudice in the South for the next 100 years

35 Complete Graphic Organizer in the US History TEKS workbook pg. 295 Development during Reconstruction Freedman’s Bureau Black Codes Reconstruction Acts “New South” Sharecropping System Impeachment Trial

36 People of Reconstruction

37 Presidential Plan Congressional Plan Reconstruction Plans Explain why Johnson was “impeached.” How did this effect his Presidency? Explain.

38 Effect of Reconstruction Reconstruction

39 Federal Government Attempts to Settle West, pg 301 Homestead Act Major Provisions of the Act: Effect of the Act: Morrill Act Major Provisions of the Act: Effect of the Act: Dawes Act Major Provisions of the Act: Effect of the Act: What impact did these Acts have on the development of the West? Did they achieve their desired goal? Explain.




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