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The 1868 Republican Ticket The 1868 Democratic Ticket.

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2 The 1868 Republican Ticket

3 The 1868 Democratic Ticket

4 Waving the Bloody Shirt! Republican “Southern Strategy”

5 1868 Presidential Election

6 President Ulysses S. Grant

7 Grant “good” A civil rights president:A civil rights president: –15 th Amendment –Force Acts of 1870/71 –Civil Rights Act of 1875 (1883, CR Act of 1960) –Vigorously used military to enforce 14 th and 15 th Amendment –Blacks participation in southern life increased: voting, govt. positions, education, economy

8 Grant “bad” Panic of 1873: hard currency/gold $$ policies (Crime of ‘73) drove Panic deeperPanic of 1873: hard currency/gold $$ policies (Crime of ‘73) drove Panic deeper 1872 Amnesty Act1872 Amnesty Act Vetoed 93 Bills!Vetoed 93 Bills! Uneven Native American policies: corruption, slaughter of bison, Indian Wars (Little Big Horn)Uneven Native American policies: corruption, slaughter of bison, Indian Wars (Little Big Horn)

9 The Panic of 1873  It raises “the money question.” * debtors seek inflationary monetary policy by continuing circulation of greenbacks. * creditors, intellectuals support hard money.  1875  Specie Redemption Act.  1876  Greenback Party formed & makes gains in congressional races  The “Crime of ’73’!

10 Grant “ugly” Grant’s inability to “govern”Grant’s inability to “govern” –Nepotism: over 40 family members got jobs –Appointed many friends from military to govt jobs –Weak and soft with patronage, got rid of “reformers” –Didn’t personally benefit from scandals, but many got rich during his admin.

11 Grant Administration Scandals  Grant presided over an era of unprecedented growth and corruption. * Credit Mobilier Scandal discovered * Whiskey Ring. * The “Indian Ring.” * 11 total govt. scandals

12 Grant Administration Scandals Grant Administration Scandals and Corrupt Activities DescriptionDate Black FridaySpeculators corner the gold market and ruin the economy for several years.1869 New York custom house ring Three investigations, two congressional and one Treasury, looked into alleged corruption ring set up at the New York Custom House under two of Grant's appointments, collectors Moses H. Grinnell and Thomas Murphy.New York Custom HouseMoses H. Grinnell 1872 Star Route Postal Ring Bribery system of postal contractors, clerks, and brokers to obtain lucrative Star Route postal contracts. 1872 Salary GrabCongressmen receive a rhetro active $5,000 bonus for previous term served.1872 Sanborn ContractJohn Sanborn collected taxes at exorbitant fees and split the profits among associates.1874 Delano Affair Secretary of Interior, Columbus Delano, allegedly took bribes in order to secure fraudulent land grants.Columbus Delano 1875 Pratt & Boyd Attorney General George H. Williams allegedly received a bribe not to prosecute the Pratt & Boyd company.George H. Williams 1875 Whiskey Ring Corrupt government officials and whiskey makers steal millions of dollars in national tax embezzlement scam. 1876 Trading Post RingSecretary of War William Belknap allegedly takes extortion money from trading contractor at Fort Sill.William Belknap1876 Cattelism Secretary of Navy George Robeson allegedly receives bribes from Cattell & Company for lucrative Naval contracts.George Robeson 1876 Safe Burglary Conspiracy Private Secretary Orville Babcock indicted over framing a private citizen for uncovering corrupt Washington contractors.Orville Babcock 1876

13 Boss Rule: The Tweed Ring in NYC William Marcy Tweed (notorious head of Tammany Hall’s political machine) [Thomas Nast  crusading cartoonist/reporter]

14 Who Stole the People’s Money?

15 The Election of 1872  Rumors of corruption during Grant’s first term discredit Republicans.  Horace Greeley runs as a Democrat/Liberal Republican candidate.  Greeley attacked as a fool and a crank.  Greeley died on November 29, 1872!

16 1872 Presidential Election

17 Popular Vote for President: 1872

18 Grant’s Legacy Westward expansion, RR completionWestward expansion, RR completion Indian tribal subjugation, assimilation effortsIndian tribal subjugation, assimilation efforts “Peaceful” Reconstruction“Peaceful” Reconstruction Attempt at civil rights for African AmericansAttempt at civil rights for African Americans Industrialization, financial and $$$ issuesIndustrialization, financial and $$$ issues Start of Gilded Age Politics focused on patronage, boss rule, and reformStart of Gilded Age Politics focused on patronage, boss rule, and reform Economic Panic, Govt corruption, and “redemption”Economic Panic, Govt corruption, and “redemption” Over-reach of the U.S. federal govt?Over-reach of the U.S. federal govt?

19 And They Say He Wants a Third Term


21 Northern Support Wanes  “Grantism” & corruption.  Panic of 1873 [6-year depression].  Concern over westward expansion and Indian wars.  Key monetary issues: * should the government retire $432m worth of “greenbacks” issued during the Civil War. * should war bonds be paid back in specie or greenbacks.

22 1876 Presidential Tickets

23 “Regional Balance?”

24 1876 Presidential Election

25 The Political Crisis of 1877  “Corrupt Bargain” Part II?

26 Hayes Prevails

27 Alas, the Woes of Childhood… Sammy Tilden—Boo-Hoo! Ruthy Hayes’s got my Presidency, and he won’t give it to me!

28 A Political Crisis: The “Compromise” of 1877

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