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Reconstruction Comes to an End Ms. Moran SWBAT:. Northern Support Diminishes  “Grantism” & Corruption.  "Grantism" was originally coined by Senator.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction Comes to an End Ms. Moran SWBAT:. Northern Support Diminishes  “Grantism” & Corruption.  "Grantism" was originally coined by Senator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction Comes to an End Ms. Moran SWBAT:

2 Northern Support Diminishes  “Grantism” & Corruption.  "Grantism" was originally coined by Senator Charles Sumner in a speech on May 31, 1872, during a Presidential election year. Sumner and Grant had been political enemies since Sumner refused to annex Santo Domingo to the United States. Sumner accused Grant of political patronage, nepotism, and being an autocrat like Julius Caesar.  Nepotism is favoritism granted to supporters regardless of merit.  Panic of 1873 [6-year depression].  Concern over westward expansion and Indian wars.  Monetary issues: should the government retire $432m worth of “greenbacks” issued during the Civil War?

3 The End of Reconstruction Reconstruction started in 1865.Reconstruction started in 1865. By 1877, Northerners were tired of paying for it.By 1877, Northerners were tired of paying for it. The election of 1876 was a tie, so Rutherford B. Hayes made a deal. If Southerner voted for Hayes, he would end Reconstruction & remove the Northern troops.The election of 1876 was a tie, so Rutherford B. Hayes made a deal. If Southerner voted for Hayes, he would end Reconstruction & remove the Northern troops.

4 The Political Crisis of 1877 “The Compromise of 1877” Hayes vs Tilden, but neither man gets a majority. So the House of Representatives gets to decide. Hayes wins & Reconstruction is brought to a sudden End. Tilden’s people call it:

5 Effect of the End of Reconstruction Without the Army toWithout the Army to Without the Army to protect Blacks in the South, Blacks are subjected to Jim Crow laws and Black Codes.

6 Black Codes

7 Jim Crow Segregation that keeps Black people in a “slave like” state.

8 What Now? If Blacks can’t go where they want to, what are they going to do to support their families?If Blacks can’t go where they want to, what are they going to do to support their families? Stay on the plantationStay on the plantation * Many blacks to become sharecroppers AKA Tenant Farmers [tenant farmers = farmers who rent the land they farm on] * Restore pre-emancipation system of race relations. * Former slaves are now economic slaves


10 The Civil Rights Act of 1875  Congress made it a crime for any individual to deny full & equal use of public conveyances and public places.  Prohibited discrimination in jury selection.  It would be over 75 year before new civil rights laws would be attempted.

11 Segregation: Plessy vs. Ferguson, 1892 This Supreme Court case determined that separating blacks and whites was legal, as long as the facilities were equalThis Supreme Court case determined that separating blacks and whites was legal, as long as the facilities were equal Established “Separate but equal”Established “Separate but equal”

12 Your Turn Read pages 96-100 in your textbook. Answer the questions on the side of the page. (13 questions)Read pages 96-100 in your textbook. Answer the questions on the side of the page. (13 questions)

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