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Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Digital Lock. (e.g. for sports locker room) Assessment: Plan. Demo. Code.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Digital Lock. (e.g. for sports locker room) Assessment: Plan. Demo. Code."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Digital Lock. (e.g. for sports locker room) Assessment: Plan. Demo. Code.

2 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Assessment + Deadlines See moodle for assessment details and deadlines.

3 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering High level overview

4 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Keypad You will be using a matrix keypad. You should find lots about this on the web

5 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering KEYPAD

6 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering One way of connecting it to the PIC. 470 Ohm resistors limit current if 2 switches pressed. Test these lines Activate one of these Pull down

7 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Reusing lines. Note that you can use the same line to drive more than one device. For example the lines rc0-rc3 in the previous diagram could be also used as the data lines for the LCD display. This becomes useful when you start to run out of IO lines!

8 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Features (see also moodle). De-bounce switches. User programmable password. Master user password. Alarm if too many keyhits. statuslocked Alarm? Door closed switch

9 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering More Advanced Features (see also moodle). Open ended. Marks for cool features. Display for user feedback / messages. Store password in EEPROM in case battery goes flat! Master unit using serial communication to all locker units. slaves master serial bus

10 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Hints Use functions. Try to avoid gotos (especially big jumps). Use evolutionary design. Start simple and add complexity in small increments. Try to test new features before integration. Think about the logic and use flow charts/pseudo code before starting to code. Use functions.

11 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Combination lock Initial design document. Compulsory but no marks: The purpose of this is to allow you to get feedback on your plan. Circuit diagram. Mile stones (evolutionary development plan). The logic of what you plan implement. flow charts AND / OR pseudo code. you may want to use activity/state diagrams (google this) you should attempt to break the problem into routines if possible. You should discuss your document with us in the lab to get feedback and once it has been approved submit it to moodle for our records.

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