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Late Renaissance On the Brink of the Baroque. Florentine Camerata Group of intellectuals, musicians, philosophers, and poets who met to discuss attempt.

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Presentation on theme: "Late Renaissance On the Brink of the Baroque. Florentine Camerata Group of intellectuals, musicians, philosophers, and poets who met to discuss attempt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Late Renaissance On the Brink of the Baroque

2 Florentine Camerata Group of intellectuals, musicians, philosophers, and poets who met to discuss attempt to influence trends in the arts Sponsored by Count Giovanni de Bardi Members included composers Giulio Caccini, Piero Strozzi, and Vincenzo Galilei (father of Galileo Galilei) Believed that music had become corrupt, and by returning to the forms and style of the ancient Greeks, music and society could be improved

3 The Camerata on Vocal Music Sung music should be easily understood—an increase in interest on using vernacular language The words were the most important element; the music should be composed to support them Polyphony obscured the understanding of the words Looked at the “purer” music of the Greeks for inspiration Monody and recitative were created as a result

4 Monody – Simple single vocal melody with instrumental accompaniment playing chords underneath – Melody designed to reflect the natural rhythm and accents of the text – Became know as stile recitativo; led to the development of opera – Example: Amarilli Mia Bella by Giulio Caccini – E E

5 Monteverdi Epitomized the transition from late Renaissance to early Baroque style of composition Composed many madrigals. Many incorporated instrumental accompaniment. Example: Ahi, come a un vago sol dFjiQ dFjiQ Used basso continuo One of the first composers of opera—L’Orfeo is is most well-known. Example: L’Orfeo AKQ AKQ

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