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The Development of Self Socialization – Process through which we learn the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of society – Helps us develop.

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Presentation on theme: "The Development of Self Socialization – Process through which we learn the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of society – Helps us develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Development of Self Socialization – Process through which we learn the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of society – Helps us develop a sense of self, a conscious awareness of a distinct identity separate from other members of society

2 Theories of Socialization

3 John Locke: Tabula Rasa 1600s Each human being is a clean slate (tabula rasa) We are born without a personality Personality develops from social experiences Child’s personality can be shaped with any characteristics

4 Charles Horton Cooley: The Looking- Glass Self We develop an idea of ourselves based on how we imagine we appear to others We see the reactions of other people towards our behavior, and we define ourselves 3 Step Process: – 1. We imagine how we appear to others – 2. based on their reactions, we see if others agree or not with this view – 3. We use others’ reactions to develop feelings about ourselves

5 George Herbert Mead: Role-Taking We not only see ourselves through the eyes of others, we also act accordingly We internalize the expectations of significant others and then the expectations of society (generalized other) 3 Step Process: – Under Age of 3: Imitation. Do not have a sense of self. We imitate and prepare for role-taking – Ages 3 to 6: Play. See ourselves in relation to others. Start to recognize roles and play them out – Ages 6 or 7: Organized Games. We take our own roles and anticipate expectations.

6 George Herbert Mead The I and the Me Role-taking develops sense of self, with two components The “I”: unsocialized, spontaneous, self- interested component of personality The “Me”: part that is aware of expectations and attitudes of society

7 Erving Goffman Dramaturgy and Impression Management Followed Mead’s ideas Theory of Dramaturgy: social interaction is like a drama being performed on stage People are the audience judging each others’ performance and true character We make the effort to play our roles well and manage others’ impressions (impression management)

8 PowerPoint 10 – The End

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