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SBCTC Advisory Group Monday, January 6, 2014. Title Here Agenda: 2014 Meeting Schedule: State Authorization Blackboard Collaborate.

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Presentation on theme: "SBCTC Advisory Group Monday, January 6, 2014. Title Here Agenda: 2014 Meeting Schedule: State Authorization Blackboard Collaborate."— Presentation transcript:

1 SBCTC Advisory Group Monday, January 6, 2014

2 Title Here Agenda: 2014 Meeting Schedule: State Authorization Blackboard Collaborate Check-in Tegrity Check-in ANGEL Check-in Canvas Check-in Project I-DEA Accessible Technology Task Force Next meeting – February 3– same time, same place (No meeting on Martin Luther King Day, January 20)

3 Title Here State Authorization News: Department of Ed negotiated rulemaking to revive federal state authorization begins again next year. General belief is DOE intends to reinstate federal regulations that require institutions to be authorized in each state in which the institution has a presence. Remember: All colleges are required to provide information to ALL students on the complaint process in their home state. You can use a link to the SHEEO list, available here: National staff hired for SARA implementation—Meeting in Denver, December 10 HB 1736 will allow WSAC to enter into reciprocity agreements. More information on this wiki:

4 Title Here Blackboard Collaborate Collaborate (Wimba/Elluminate combo) –Bb moved our instance over the weekend. Anything to report? –Here is the free app for Collaborate Mobile for V12:

5 Title Here Tegrity Check-in Lecture capture RFP on the streets. Please send feedback on the review rubric for faculty and staff to Mark Carbon Oq2D38H61dFRhV0k4X25LTjBXZVZSOG9nalFLT0 E&usp=drive_web#gid=0 Oq2D38H61dFRhV0k4X25LTjBXZVZSOG9nalFLT0 E&usp=drive_web#gid=0

6 Title Here ANGEL Check-in –Data Center move 12-20-13 –Contract for ANGEL ends 6-30-14 –Get ANGEL help at:

7 Title Here Canvas Update Canvas Conference – March 27 & 28, Tacoma Community College Now accepting proposals for conference 2014-conference/ 2014-conference/

8 Title Here Project I-DEA 3 year grant from Gates to use flipped model for lower level ES. Students work 50% online; colleges supply devices and connectivity 10 pilot colleges this year –Big Bend, IEL, Lake Washington, North Seattle, Pierce St. Steilacoom, Renton Technical, Seattle Central, Shoreline, Tacoma, Walla Walla Add 10 colleges next year, add 14 the final year Students started in September—good feedback so far

9 Title Here Project I-DEA The course cartridge for W’14 Q2 instruction is 597 MB. All W’14 Project I-DEA classrooms will need to have their file storage limits increased so that instructors can successfully import the cartridge. The Canvas import tool reports a high number of issues upon import completion. We are investigating and will send out a note about anything that requires revision. Also a reminder that the W’14 Q2 Project I-DEA cartridge is available to all eLearning departments via the Shared eLearning Repository in SBCTC Canvas.

10 Title Here Accessible Technology Task Force

11 Title Here Take Aways:

12 February 3, 11:00 to noon on Blackboard Collaborate information on this web site: Recordings on WAOL Blog: Please forward invitations to others on your campus who might be interested. Next meeting

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