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Engaging People in Their Communities The role of the Voluntary & Community Sector.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging People in Their Communities The role of the Voluntary & Community Sector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging People in Their Communities The role of the Voluntary & Community Sector

2 The Voluntary & Community Sector permeates the fabric of life in our region.

3 It promotes... social capital. a feeling of belonging. and it massively contributes to the distinctiveness of life.

4 The sector... provides services driven by community needs. makes a significant contribution to the North East’s economy. long track record of tackling important issues in highly responsive and flexible ways. is made up of a diversity if user-led independent groups and organisations which engender strong feeling of ownership and trust.

5 Tackling Poverty & Social Exclusion Why is the sector important?

6 We are... able to engage effectively and efficiently with local communities. important providers of support and advice to those furthest from the job market. able to prioritise those who are most disadvantaged. often on the cutting edge of social change.

7 Our principles A chance to work for all. Nobody written off; nobody left behind. Reaching the most excluded. Need to break cycles of disadvantage and deprivation that transmit through families and generations and still exist within neighbourhoods. Support is available for everyone who needs it.

8 ...continued Tailored support to empower local institutions to develop solutions and give freedom to innovate and flexibility to work together. Helping people to be in control of their own lives and take personal responsibility for making the most of opportunities through supported pathways to work. Ending child poverty. Closer integration of employment and skills provision. Recognition of the intensive support requirements of long term benefit recipients.

9 Engagement Addressing the needs

10 The VCS has the local intelligence and knowledge to know what can and can’t work.

11 The Regional Employability Framework The North East Voluntary & Community Sector EngagementAction Planning Employability Services Job Placement Aftercare & Retention

12 Working in Partnership The key to future success

13 It is now accepted by all, including all major political parties, that the VCS is an essential component to the successful delivery of agreed public outcomes.

14 We know that partnership: Makes for better decisions by providing a grassroots barometer of communities and their circumstances. Maximises social gain through voluntary effort. The sector’s input is valuable in its own right.

15 ...continued Valuing the 3 Ds - dissent, difference and diversity. Not distributing profits often puts the sector at a competitive advantage. The sectors raison d’être is to respond to its users and beneficiaries and take account of their changing needs.

16 ...continued further The sector makes makes scarce resources go further. If the best services are to be purchased (via tender arrangements) then a common commissioning framework must take account of social and environmental gains.

17 In Northumberland good relationships and partnerships that have been built over the years between the public sector and the VCS must not and should not be lost.

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