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© T Madas. I think of a number, add 11 and get 32 I think of a number, subtract 7 and get 5 I think of a number, multiply by 2 and get 16 I think of a.

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Presentation on theme: "© T Madas. I think of a number, add 11 and get 32 I think of a number, subtract 7 and get 5 I think of a number, multiply by 2 and get 16 I think of a."— Presentation transcript:

1 © T Madas

2 I think of a number, add 11 and get 32 I think of a number, subtract 7 and get 5 I think of a number, multiply by 2 and get 16 I think of a number, divide it by 2 and get 5

3 © T Madas When I add 5 to a number, I get 17 When I subtract 7 from a number, I get 12 When I multiply a number by 2, I get 20 When I divide a number by 3, I get 9

4 © T Madas Together, 3 bags of sweets contain 15 sweets My age in 3 years will be 40 My weight went down by 8 kg and I now weigh 102 kg A bag of sweets is divided among 4 children. Each child gets 5 sweets

5 © T Madas 3 cans contain 900 ml of cola If you double Matt’s age, you get 24 Paul’s age will be 40 in 10 years time

6 © T Madas John's age 20 years ago was 15 I think of a number. I double it and then add 1 to it to get 17 Helen has used a third of her exercise book. That is 20 pages

7 © T Madas 10 bags of crisps contain 400 crisps Half a bag of sweets contains 20 sweets Mr Smith will be 65 years old, in 8 years time

8 © T Madas When I double a number and then add 3, I get 27. When I halve a number and then add 3, I get 9. When I treble a number and then subtract 7, I get 26.

9 © T Madas When I multiply a number by 4 and then add 3, I get 39. When I divide a number by 3 and then subtract 7, I get 4. When I multiply a number by 6 and then subtract 4, I get 32.

10 © T Madas A string is cut into 4 equal pieces. Each piece is 3m. Hamid swam 8 lengths of the swimming pool. He swam 240m in total. Two history lessons and a 10 minute break last 80 minutes.

11 © T Madas There are 5 full tables in a classroom. 6 pupils leave the class. There are 24 children left. Natasha has 5 stamps. She buys 4 books of stamps. Now she has 29 stamps. If I halve my age and subtract 3, I get 12

12 © T Madas

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