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DN/d  and dN/dp T analysis status Gabor Veres for the working group QCD meeting, Jan 12, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "DN/d  and dN/dp T analysis status Gabor Veres for the working group QCD meeting, Jan 12, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 dN/d  and dN/dp T analysis status Gabor Veres for the working group QCD meeting, Jan 12, 2010

2 Developments since preapproval Studies on Zero Bias data, trig. eff. measurements Changed trigger/event selection strategy Using 20 times more statistics for 900 GeV data Results at the world-record collision energy, 2.36TeV Decreasing systematic errors for the trigger-related uncertainty, looking at the SD fraction in data

3 BSC: MC simhits, new measurement. Inner segments: arc-shape is true Outer paddles: ~OK, only 2% loss Overall: (31*0.72+2*0.28)=~23% hit loss w.r.t CMSSW

4 Trigger efficiencies Without any other event selection, 900 GeV PYTHIA. Very little change NEWold 3491.692.9 4065.666.7 4151.852.4 40/340.7160.718 41/400.7900.786

5 Crosstalk, conversions There is NO insulation between the two outer channels in one paddle. This can cause bit 41 fire more often, even on a single hit Al: inner: 2-4 mm, outer: 2 mm Scintillator thickness: 10 mm, also incorrect in CMSSW (13 mm) Photon conversion: 5-10% probability in the Al

6 Trigger: Zero Bias study Run 124022 Paired beam bunches: 151 || 2824 Pixel – vertex compatibility cut Valid vtx: 495 events Full collision definition: 402 events

7 Collision selection Select events with valid vertex as collision events Clean event selection Min bias Zero bias

8 ‘Trigger’ rates Check “Trigger” rates relative to events with valid vertex to measure efficiency from data BSC: bits 34, 40, 41 HF Tower Count above threshold: One Hit OR, One Hit Coinc., Two Hit Coinc.

9 ‘Trigger’ efficiencies Trigger Efficiency relative to events with valid vertex MC reference: Pythia D6T, default SD fraction HF Trigger is very well described by MC: Efficiency as well as Threshold ratios Efficiencies Ratios

10 New Trigger/online selection The BSC bit 34 efficiency is >98% (after requiring a vertex) Strategy: analyze Min Bias data (triggered by BSC bit34), and select on HF One Hit Coincidence [instead of bit 40] dNdEta results agree within 1% at when comparing the BSC and HF event selection

11 Changing from BSC to HF ● Open Blue circle: results from paper (BSC 40) ● Red circle: Use HF Tower coincidence (# of tower > 3 GeV) threshold >= 1. ● Results from both trigger are consistent in 1% level.

12 PYTHIA PHOJET Fits to data: total diffractive fraction (SD+DD) BSC bit 34 + Vertex comp. cut Run 124023 900 GeV 23.6+-4.1% Truth: 20.1% 22.7+-3.4% Truth: 22.7% [Using the HF]

13 Diffractive component from data

14 SD and DD fraction uncertainty The trigger efficiencies for SD, DD, ND are 0.165, 0.306, 0.885. The pythia fractions of SD, DD, ND are 0.23, 0.12, 0.65. The inel trigger eff therefore is: 0.165*0.23+0.306*0.12+0.885*0.65 = 0.65 The SD fractions are: phojet: 21%, pythia: 23%, UA5: 15.3% The DD fractions are: phojet: 8%, pythia: 12%, UA5: 8% I.e. taking the largest spread, we get +-4% for SD and +-2% for DD. How much change does this cause in dN/deta? SD: +-4% in the fraction means: 0.04*0.165/0.65 = 1.0% change in dN/deta DD: +-2% in the fraction means: 0.02*0.306/0.65 = 1.0% change in dN/deta Underestimated SD and DD both leads to too small dN/deta. We can be conservative and add them linearly to get the full error: 1.0+1.0 = 2.0%

15 Pixel cluster charge distributions 900 GeV 2.36 TeV Good agreement with MC

16 Pixel cluster charge distributions 900 GeV 2.36 TeV Good agreement with MC

17 Angle corrected cluster charge Distribution of the pixel cluster charge corrected by η in layer 1 Apply common event selection on MC and data 900 GeV 2.36 TeV

18 Cluster size distributions 900 GeV 2.36 TeV

19 Cluster counting results 900 GeV 2.36 TeV

20 Tracklets: 900 GeV x-check Use Run 124023 Lumi section 41-96. Applied the same event selection. 40K events passed our selection criteria. Use MC sample corresponds to Run 124023 with the correct beam spot. The results are consistent with Run 123596

21 Tracklets: 2.36 TeV Use Run 124120. (2.36 TeV), applied the same event selection. ~11K events passed our selection criteria. Corrected by PYTHIA 2.36 TeV D6T sample with correct beam spot.

22 dN/deta vs root(s)

23 Tracking 900 GeV (other run + higher statistics) Run 123596 (the standard) Run 124023, newly added (red colored points and lines) 2.36 TeV (new): Run 124120 Mean pT = 0.51 GeV/c with similar errors as 900 GeV

24 900 GeV: more statistics


26 Tracking: 900 GeV more statistics

27 Tracking: 2.36 TeV

28 2.36 TeV: comparison of methods

29 Mean p T vs root(s)

30 Summary Successful winter-break, active work Extension of the paper, 16 pages now Large part of comments addressed Approval session: tomorrow, CMS plenary

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