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Parity Violation: Past, Present, and Future M.J. Ramsey-Musolf.

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2 Parity Violation: Past, Present, and Future M.J. Ramsey-Musolf

3 NSAC Long Range Plan What is the structure of the nucleon? What is the structure of nucleonic matter? What are the properties of hot nuclear matter? What is the nuclear microphysics of the universe? What is to be the new Standard Model?

4 NSAC Long Range Plan What is the structure of the nucleon? What is the structure of nucleonic matter? What are the properties of hot nuclear matter? What is the nuclear microphysics of the universe? What is to be the new Standard Model? Parity-Violating Electron Scattering

5 Outline PVES and Nucleon Structure PVES and Nucleonic Matter PVES and the New Standard Model

6 Parity-Violating Asymmetry Q P W, G P W Q P W + F(Q 2,  ) [] A PV A PC * GPWGPW

7 PV Electron Scattering Experiments MIT-Bates Mainz Jefferson Lab SLAC

8 PV Electron Scattering Experiments SLAC Deep Inelastic eD (1970’s) PV Moller Scattering (now) Deep Inelastic eD (2005?)

9 PV Electron Scattering Experiments MIT-Bates Elastic e 12 C (1970’s - 1990) Elastic ep, QE eD (1990’s - now)

10 PV Electron Scattering Experiments Mainz QE e 9 Be (1980’s) Elastic ep (1990’s - now)

11 PV Electron Scattering Experiments Jefferson Lab Elastic ep: HAPPEX, G0 (1990’s - now) Elastic e 4 He: HAPPEX (2003) Elastic e 208 Pb: PREX QE eD, inelastic ep: G0 (2003-2005?) Elastic ep: Q-Weak (2006-2008) Moller, DIS eD (post-upgrade?)

12 PVES and Nucleon Structure What are the relevant degrees of freedom for describing the properties of hadrons and why? Q P,  P Constituent quarks (QM)Current quarks (QCD) F P 2 (x)

13 PVES and Nucleon Structure Why does the constituent Quark Model work so well? Sea quarks and gluons are “inert” at low energies Sea quark and gluon effects are hidden in parameters and effective degrees of freedom of QM (Isgur) Sea quark and gluon effects are hidden by a “conspiracy” of cancellations (Isgur, Jaffe, R-M) Sea quark and gluon effects depend on C properties of operator (Ji)

14 PVES and Nucleon Structure What are the relevant degrees of freedom for describing the properties of hadrons and why? Strange quarks in the nucleon: Sea quarks m s ~  QCD 20% of nucleon mass, possibly -10% of spin What role in electromagnetic structure ?

15 We can uncover the sea with G P W Light QCD quarks: um u ~ 5 MeV dm d ~ 10 MeV sm s ~ 150 MeV Heavy QCD quarks: cm c ~ 1500 MeV bm b ~ 4500 MeV tm t ~ 175,000 MeV Effects in G P suppressed by  QCD /m q ) 4 < 10 -4  QCD ~ 150 MeV Neglect them

16 We can uncover the sea with G P W Light QCD quarks: um u ~ 5 MeV dm d ~ 10 MeV sm s ~ 150 MeV Heavy QCD quarks: cm c ~ 1500 MeV bm b ~ 4500 MeV tm t ~ 175,000 MeV m s ~  QCD : No suppression not necessarily negligible

17 We can uncover the sea with G P W Light QCD quarks: um u ~ 5 MeV dm d ~ 10 MeV sm s ~ 150 MeV Heavy QCD quarks: cm c ~ 1500 MeV bm b ~ 4500 MeV tm t ~ 175,000 MeV Lives only in the sea

18 Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Neutral Weak Form Factors G P = Q u G u + Q d G d + Q s G s  G n = Q u G d + Q d G u + Q s G s , isospin G P W = Q u W G u + Q d W G d + Q s W G s Z 0 SAMPLE (MIT-Bates), HAPPEX (JLab), PVA4 (Mainz), G0 (JLab) G u, G d, G s Kaplan and Manohar McKeown

19 Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Separating G E W, G M W, G A W G M W, G A W SAMPLE G M W, G E W HAPPEX, PVA4 G M W, G E W, G A W : Q 2 -dependence G0 Published results: SAMPLE, HAPPEX

20 at Q 2 =0.1 (GeV/c) 2 R. Hasty et al., Science 290, 2117 (2000). s-quarks contribute less than 5% (1  ) to the proton’s magnetic form factor. proton’s axial structure is complicated! Models for  s Radiative corrections

21 Axial Radiative Corrections “Anapole” effects : Hadronic Weak Interaction + Nucleon Green’s Fn : Analogous effects in neutron  -decay, PC electron scattering…

22 “Anapole” Effects Zhu, Puglia, Holstein, R-M (  PT) Maekawa & van Kolck (  PT) Riska (Model) Zhu et al. Hadronic PV Can’t account for a large reduction in G e A

23 Nuclear PV Effects PV NN interaction Carlson, Paris, Schiavilla Liu, Prezeau, Ramsey-Musolf Suppressed by ~ 1000

24 at Q 2 =0.1 (GeV/c) 2 125 MeV: no  background similar sensitivity to G A e (T=1) SAMPLE Results R. Hasty et al., Science 290, 2117 (2000). 200 MeV update 2003: Improved EM radiative corr. Improved acceptance model Correction for  background s-quarks contribute less than 5% (1  ) to the proton’s magnetic moment. 200 MeV data Mar 2003 D2D2 H2H2 Zhu, et al. E. Beise, U Maryland Radiative corrections

25 Strange Quark Form Factors Theoretical Challenge: Strange quarks don’t appear in Quark Model picture of the nucleon Perturbation theory may not apply  QCD / m s ~ 1No HQET m K /   ~ 1/2  PT ? Symmetry is impotent J  s = J  B + 2 J  EM, I=0

26 Theoretical predictions

27 Q 2 -dependence of G s M G 0 projected Lattice QCD theory Dispersion theory Chiral perturbation theory “reasonable range” for slope Happex projected

28 What  PT can (cannot) say Strange magnetism as an illustration Unknown low- energy constant (incalculable) Kaon loop contributions (calculable) Ito, R-M Hemmert, Meissner, Kubis Hammer, Zhu, Puglia, R-M

29 What  PT can (cannot) say Strange magnetism as an illustration { } LO, parameter freeNLO, cancellation NLO, unknown LEC

30 Dispersion theory gives a model- independent prediction Strong interaction scattering amplitudes e+ e - K + K -, etc. Slope of G M s Jaffe Hammer, Drechsel, R-M

31 Dispersion theory gives a model- independent prediction Perturbation theory (1-loop) Hammer & R-M

32 Dispersion theory gives a model- independent prediction  resonance Perturbation theory (1-loop) Hammer & R-M All orders

33 Dispersion theory gives a model- independent prediction Are there higher mass excitations of s s pairs? Do they enhance or cancel low-lying excitations? Experiment will give an answer Can’t do the whole integral ?

34 PVES and Nucleonic Matter What is the equation of state of dense nucleonic matter? We know a lot about the protons, but lack critical information about the neutrons

35 PVES and Nucleonic Matter The Z 0 boson probes neutron properties Donnelly, Dubach, Sick Q W =Z(1 - 4 sin 2  W ) - N ~ 0.1 PREX (Hall A): 208 Pb Horowitz, Pollock, Souder, & Michels

36 PVES and Neutron Stars Horowitz & Piekarewicz Crust thickness decreases with P n Neutron star 208 Pb Skin thickness (R n -R p ) increases with P n PREX

37 PVES and Neutron Stars Horowitz & Piekarewicz Neutron star properties are connected to density- dependence of symmetry energy PREX probes R n -R p a meter of E ( 

38 PVES and the New Standard Model We believe in the Standard Model, but it leaves many unanswered questions What were the symmetries of the early Universe and how were they broken? What is dark matter? Why is there more matter than anti-matter?

39 PVES and the New Standard Model Standard Model Weak scalePlanck scale High energy desert Early universe Present universe

40 PVES and the New Standard Model Standard Model Weak scalePlanck scale High energy desert Early universe Present universe A “near miss” for grand unification

41 PVES and the New Standard Model Standard Model Planck scale High energy desert Early universe Present universe Weak scale is unstable against new physics in the desert Weak scale G F would be much smaller

42 PVES and the New Standard Model Standard Model Weak scalePlanck scale High energy desert Early universe Present universe Not enough CP-violation for weak scale baryogenesis

43 Neutral current mixing depends on electroweak symmetry  J  WNC =  J  0 + 4 Q sin 2  W  J  EM SU(2) L U(1) Y

44 Weak mixing also depends on scale sin 2  W  (GeV) Standard Model MZMZ Czarnecki & Marciano Erler, Kurylov, R-M

45 sin 2  W (  ) depends on particle spectrum



48 New Physics & Parity Violation Q e W =-1 + 4 sin 2  W Q P W = 1 - 4 sin 2  W Q Cs W =Z(1 - 4 sin 2  W ) - N sin 2  W is scale-dependent

49 Weak mixing also depends on scale sin 2  W  (GeV) N deep inelastic SLAC E158 JLab Q-Weak e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV

50 Additional symmetries in the early universe can change scale-dependence Supersymmetry Charginos, neutralinos FermionsBosons sfermions gauginos Higgsinos

51 Electroweak & strong couplings unify with supersymemtry Standard Model Weak scalePlanck scale Early universe Present universe Supersymmetry Weak scale & G F are protected

52 SUSY will change sin 2  W (  ) evolution


54 Comparing Q w e and Q W p SUSY loops Kurylov, R-M, Su 3000 randomly chosen SUSY parameters but effects are correlated

55 Can SUSY explain dark matter? Expansion Rotation curves Cosmic microwave background

56 SUSY provides a DM candidate Neutralino Stable, lightest SUSY particle if baryon (B) and lepton (L) numbers are conserved However, B and L need not be conserved in SUSY, leading to neutralino decay e.g.

57 12k  1j1  L=1 B and/or L Violation in SUSY can also affect low-energy weak interactions  -decay,  -decay,… Q P W in PV electron scattering

58 Comparing Q w e and Q W p SUSY loops  SUSY dark matter   -> e  + e RPV 95% CL Kurylov, R-M, Su  is Majorana

59 Comparing Q w e and Q W p Can be a diagnostic tool to determine whether or not the early Universe was supersymmetric there is supersymmetric dark matter The weak charges can serve a similar diagnostic purpose for other models for high energy symmetries, such as left-right symmetry, grand unified theories with extra U(1) groups, etc.

60 Weak mixing also depends on scale sin 2  W  (GeV) N deep inelastic SLAC E158 JLab Q-Weak e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV DIS-Parity, SLAC DIS-Parity, JLab Moller, JLab

61 Comparing Q w e and Q W p  SUSY dark matter SUSY loops RPV 95% CL E158 &Q- Weak JLab Moller Kurylov, R-M, Su

62 Interpretation of precision measurements How well do we now the SM predictions? Some QCD issues Proton Weak Charge Weak charge Q 2 =0.03 (GeV/c) 2 Form factors: MIT, JLab, Mainz Q 2 >0.1 (GeV/c) 2

63 Interpretation of precision measurements How well do we now the SM predictions? Some QCD issues Proton Weak Charge F P (Q 2,  -> 0) ~ Q 2 Use  PT to extrapolate in small Q 2 domain and current PV experiments to determine LEC’s

64 Summary Parity-violating electron scattering provides us with a well-understood tool for studying several questions at the forefront of nuclear physics, particle physics, and astrophysics: Are sea quarks relevant at low-energies? How compressible is neutron-rich matter What are the symmetries of the early Universe? Jefferson Lab is the parity violation facility We have much to look forward to in the coming years

65 QCD Effects in Q W P Box graphs  Q W ~ 26%  Q W ~ 6%  Q W ~ 3% k loop ~ M W : pQCD  QCD < k loop < M W : non-perturbative

66 Box graphs, cont’d. Protected by symmetry Short-distance correction: OPE  Q W p (QCD) ~ -0.7% WW  Q W p (QCD) ~ -0.08% ZZ

67 Box graphs, cont’d. + [] ln Long-distance physics: not calculable Fortuitous suppression factor: box + crossed ~    k  J   J  Z ~ A  g v e = (- 1+4 sin 2  W )

68 Neutron  -decay [] ln |  C  W | < 2 to avoid exacerbating CKM non-unitarity |  C  Z | < 2  Q W p < 1.5%

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