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Commissioning and Utilisation of ERLP David Holder ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Commissioning and Utilisation of ERLP David Holder ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commissioning and Utilisation of ERLP David Holder ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory

2 Introduction to ERLP;Introduction to ERLP; ASTeC’s contribution to ERLP;ASTeC’s contribution to ERLP; ASTeC’s plans for ERLP exploitation.ASTeC’s plans for ERLP exploitation. Content

3 ERLP Energy Recovery Linac Prototype Demonstrating skills and technologies for 4GLS: –Operation of photo injector electron gun; –Operation of superconducting electron linac; –Energy recovery from a FEL-disrupted beam; –Synchronisation of gun and FEL output.

4 Parameters Nominal Gun Energy350 keV Injector Energy8.35 MeV Circulating Beam Energy35 MeV Linac RF Frequency1.3 GHz Bunch Repetition Rate81.25 MHz Max Bunch Charge80 pC Max Average Current13 µA


6 Laser system nearly ready; IOTs under test on site; Gun ceramic – major source of delay – now expected March 2006 (~1 year late); Accelerator modules arriving April/June 2005 (~6 months late); 4 K commissioning Feb 06. Machine Status

7 Dedicated diagnostic beamline designed by ASTeC to fully characterise the gun and benchmark the codes used for design; e.g. predicted effect of spacecharge: Gun Commissioning April to June

8 Comparison and benchmarking of beam dynamics code for injectors - ASTRA and GPT buncher solenoid booster Gun Commissioning April to June

9 Photoinjector Laser - Collaboration with CLF

10 Complete machine ready September 06; Aim to demonstrate energy recovery with wiggler- disrupted beam early 2007; Very challenging technical and timescale issues; ASTeC has overall responsibility for successful planning and execution. Machine Commissioning 1

11 Confirming suitability of TBA arc design chosen for 4GLS: Machine Commissioning 2

12 Confirming 4 dipole chicane bunch compression scheme: Machine Commissioning 3 4-dipole chicane LBLB LBLB LDLD LDLD  

13 Modeling of FEL interaction using in Genesis 1.3; Major tool used for design of 4GLS sources; Commissioning measurements will confirm validity of code and other calculations. Machine Commissioning 4 before FEL after FEL

14 1 2 3 4 Machine Commissioning 5 Measurements to verify start to end simulations results First case of complete S2E modelling of an ERL with a FEL and energy recovery

15 Machine Commissioning 6 Operation of 2 K cryosystem - vital to operation of 4GLS

16 ERLP Exploitation 1 Accelerator test bed: –advanced accelerator operation, diagnostics, photocathode guns, SCRF, electron beam/laser synchronisation; science –THz –X-ray (NWSF grant £2.9M, 3 years) –combined sources/synchronisation. As an R&D exercise NOT as a user facility.

17 Compton backscattering X-ray source Time resolved X-ray diffraction studies aimed at probing the mechanisms of shock compression of matter on sub picosecond (ps) timescales. THz beamline and a tissue culture facility. To use the ultrahigh intensity, broadband THz radiation for the study of biological systems. ERLP Exploitation 2

18 The end

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