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You will need: Your book Your binder/Notes from Unit C Worksheets: KWL, Discussion web, Homeowners Association meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "You will need: Your book Your binder/Notes from Unit C Worksheets: KWL, Discussion web, Homeowners Association meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will need: Your book Your binder/Notes from Unit C Worksheets: KWL, Discussion web, Homeowners Association meeting

2  Some things to think about while you do this activity:  What is wrong with Willow Groves water and is it something easy to treat?  Tradeoffs about switching from wells to municipal water.  Advantages and Disadvantages of changing water sources  Use evidence to support your claim/decision

3  When you are done with the activity:  Turn in the following: Act 46 (testing pH with AQ 1,2,4,5 we did a few classes ago, this is where your Venn Diagram is  Testing Electrical Conductivity of solutions with Reading Guide on back (make sure you completed this!!!), Act 50 Questions 1,2,5  Act 52 Disscussion web with Homeowners Association notes. AQ’s 1 and 2

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