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How does the moon affect us? By Cassie Bryant. Statistics..

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Presentation on theme: "How does the moon affect us? By Cassie Bryant. Statistics.."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does the moon affect us? By Cassie Bryant

2 Statistics..

3 34,318 crimes in one year, crimes occurring more frequently during a full moon

4 11,613 cases of aggravated assault in 5 years, more occurring during a full moon.

5 18,495 records from patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital in an 11-year period: admissions for psychosis were highest during the new moon and lowest during the full moon.

6 Myths …

7 The moon changes size.

8 Werewolves come out during a full moon.

9 The blue moon is actually colored blue

10 Earths shadow causes phases of the moon

11 The moon brings love

12 What is said about the moon effecting women’s menstrual cycles

13 The moon and your sleep… your sleep.. Moon cycle has effects on your sleeping patterns Scientists conducted a study proving On full moon nights sleep latency increased

14 People spent 30% less time In deepest part of sleep Melatonin levels dropped during full moon Overall sleep dropped

15 Citations… parenting/pregnancy/labor-delivery/births-full- moon2.htm parenting/pregnancy/labor-delivery/births-full- moon2.htm lunar-effects.html lunar-effects.html 2235964/new-moon-patient-study-confirms.common- myth-lunar-patterns-driving-mad-fase.html 2235964/new-moon-patient-study-confirms.common- myth-lunar-patterns-driving-mad-fase.html messes-with-your-sleep messes-with-your-sleep

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