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ASEN 5050 SPACEFLIGHT DYNAMICS Low-Energy Ballistic Lunar Transfers Prof. Jeffrey S. Parker University of Colorado – Boulder Lecture 34: BLTs 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ASEN 5050 SPACEFLIGHT DYNAMICS Low-Energy Ballistic Lunar Transfers Prof. Jeffrey S. Parker University of Colorado – Boulder Lecture 34: BLTs 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASEN 5050 SPACEFLIGHT DYNAMICS Low-Energy Ballistic Lunar Transfers Prof. Jeffrey S. Parker University of Colorado – Boulder Lecture 34: BLTs 1

2 Announcements HW 9 is due riiiiiiiiight now! STK Lab 3 due Friday 12/5 –Any issues with v9 versus v10? STK Lab 4 due 12/12 –Any issues with v9 versus v10? Final Exam released on 12/12, due 12/18 –Take-home, open book open notes Final project and exam due 12/18 Lecture 34: BLTs 2

3 Schedule from here out Lecture 34: BLTs 3 12/1: Low-Energy Ballistic Lunar Transfers 12/3: Mission Orbits, Constellation Design 12/5: Spacecraft Navigation 12/8: Final Review, part 1 12/10: Final Review, part 2 12/12: Deep Impact

4 Final Project Due 12/18. If you turn it in by 12/12, I’ll forgive 5 pts of deductions. Worth 20% of your grade, equivalent to 6-7 homework assignments. Final Exam is worth 25%. Find an interesting problem and investigate it – anything related to spaceflight mechanics (maybe even loosely, but check with me). Requirements: Introduction, Background, Description of investigation, Methods, Results, Conclusions, References. You will be graded on quality of work, scope of the investigation, and quality of the presentation. The project will be built as a webpage, so take advantage of web design as much as you can and/or are interested and/or will help the presentation. Lecture 34: BLTs 4

5 Final Project Instructions for delivery of the final project: Build your webpage with every required file inside of a directory. –Name the directory “LastName_FirstName” i.e., Parker_Jeff/ –there are a lot of duplicate last names in this class! –You can link to external sites as needed. Name your main web page “index.html” –i.e., the one that you want everyone to look at first Make every link in the website a relative link, relative to the directory structure within your named directory. –We will move this directory around, and the links have to work! Test your webpage! Change the location of the page on your computer and make sure it still works! Zip everything up into a single file and upload that to the D2L dropbox. Lecture 34: BLTs 5

6 HTML If you’ve never coded in HTML, don’t fret (but don’t wait to try it out). Lots of tutorials online –One student suggested this page for HTML tutorials: Think of a webpage as a blank canvas, fill it with invisible tables, lists, links, animations, pictures, and text. Word, LaTex, and other programs can save documents as HTML, but then it’s awful to edit / personalize. Lecture 34: BLTs 6

7 Space News Orion’s Exploration Flight Test 1: Thurs 12/4 at 7:04 am Eastern Time (5:04 am Mountain!). Duration: 4.5 hours. Lecture 34: BLTs 7

8 ASEN 5050 SPACEFLIGHT DYNAMICS BLTs Prof. Jeffrey S. Parker University of Colorado – Boulder Lecture 34: BLTs 8

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