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International Gas Union Natural Gas – the bridging fuel towards a low carbon society Erik Gonder Advisor, IGU Secretariat Oslo, Norway 7th Russian Petroleum.

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Presentation on theme: "International Gas Union Natural Gas – the bridging fuel towards a low carbon society Erik Gonder Advisor, IGU Secretariat Oslo, Norway 7th Russian Petroleum."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Gas Union Natural Gas – the bridging fuel towards a low carbon society Erik Gonder Advisor, IGU Secretariat Oslo, Norway 7th Russian Petroleum & Gas Congress/RPGC 2009 25 June 2009, Moscow, Russia

2 28/02/2016 Agenda The International Gas Union The Challenges Natural Gas in a low carbon perspective Conclusions

3 IGU serves as a spokesman for the gas industry world wide World wide non–profit organisation since 1931 World Gas Conference every third year Promotes technical and economic progress of the gas industry Geopolitics and strategy higher on the agenda

4 IGU represents around 95% of global gas sales

5 President CC Secretary CC Vice Chairman Roberto Brandt Argentina Ernesto Lopez Anadón Argentina Andres Kidd Argentina CC Chairman Secretary General Torstein Indrebø Norway Vice President Datuk Rahim Hashim Malaysia Ho Sook Wah Malaysia WOC 2 Storage Vladimir Onderka Czech Rep. WOC 3 Transmission Helge Wolf Germany TF R&D PGC C Developing Markets Mohd. Farid Amin Malaysia PGC B Strategy, Economics & Regulation Pedro Moraleda Spain PGC D LNG Seiichi Uchino Japan WOC 4 Distribution Jeremy Bending UK PGC A Sustainable Development WOC 1 Exploration & Production Vladimir Yakushev Russia WOC 5 Utilisation Jean Schweitzer Denmark Marc Florette France TF Gas Market Integration Jorge Doumanian Argentina The organisational structure of IGU Juan Puertas Spain

6 Visit us in Oslo! Secretariat of the International Gas Union c/o StatoilHydro

7 7 The Climate Challenge Energy related CO 2 -emisison in the Reference Scenario (Gt) Source : IEA WEO 2008 – Reference Scenario

8 The European Union climate and energy package 20% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2020 20% of energy consumption from renewables 20% increase in energy effiency 30% reduction in GHG emissions if global agreement in place  Climate concerns will impact energy demand

9 9 The Energy Challenge Demand for primary energiy(Mtoe) 14% Renewable 2.0% p.a. 2006-2030 1.0% p.a. 2006-2030 1.8% p.a. 2006-2030 Source : IEA WEO 2008 – Reference Scenario

10 28/02/2016 Agenda The International Gas Union The Challenges Natural Gas in a low carbon perspective Conclusions

11 Plus factors of Natural Gas Low carbon dioxide releases Efficient with combined heat and power systems Use in transportation sector benefits city air quality Natural gas complements wind and solar energy Gas – part of the solution in a sustainable world of energy Source: With courtesy of E.ON Ruhrgas

12 Location of world proven gas reserves (180 trillion m³) 8 South and Central America 8 Europe Africa 15 Middle East 73 Russia Asia Pacific Region 15 North America 6 53 in 1000 bcm Source: BP Statistical Review 2008

13 A global gas trade is evolving

14 IGU Strategic Statement 2008 Message of 2008 Strategic Statement is Gas Market Integration: A cornerstone for sustainable development The environmental benefits of Natural Gas The need for a shared understanding across nations and regions The role of governments

15 Natural gas – lowest carbon content

16 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Source:

17 17 The contribution of Natural Gas in the Climate policy Power production and direct use In the transport sector Cooperation with renewable, periodical power production

18 18 Flexible gas fired power in combination with renewable sources

19 IGU on the Climate scene Active participation by IGU in Copenhagen Stand and Side Events Topics:Sustainability and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Strategic Statement on Sustainability

20 28/02/2016 Agenda The International Gas Union The Challenges Natural Gas in a low carbon perspective Conclusions

21 28/02/2016 Conclusions Natural Gas is already contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Further replacement of coal and oil should be targeted. Natural Gas has a huge saving potential in the transport sector. Gas fired power production is vital to secure implementation of reneawable power production.

22 Climate mitigation And in order to preserve the polar bear and the penguins, we also need to preserve the ice…

23 28/02/2016 Thank you for your attention! See you in Buenos Aires! 24 rd World Gas Conference and Exhibition October 5 – 9 2009

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