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Lecture 2 (Chapter 2) Classical Encryption Techniques Prepared by Dr. Lamiaa M. Elshenawy 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 2 (Chapter 2) Classical Encryption Techniques Prepared by Dr. Lamiaa M. Elshenawy 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 2 (Chapter 2) Classical Encryption Techniques Prepared by Dr. Lamiaa M. Elshenawy 1

2  Symmetric Cipher Model 1. Cryptography 2. Cryptanalysis and Brute-Force Attack  Substitution Techniques 1. Caesar Cipher 2. Monoalphabetic Ciphers 3. Playfair Cipher 4. Hill Cipher 5. Polyalphabetic Ciphers 6. One-Time Pad  Transposition Techniques  Rotor Machines  Steganography

3  Symmetric encryption (conventional encryption) is a form of cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption are performed using the same key  Symmetric encryption transforms plaintext into ciphertext using a secret key and an encryption algorithm and decrypt by the same key and a decryption algorithm  Two types of attack on an encryption algorithm 1. Cryptanalysis based on properties of the encryption algorithm 2. Brute-force, trying all possible keys

4  Traditional (pre-computer) symmetric ciphers use substitution and/or transposition techniques 1. Substitution techniques map plaintext elements (characters, bits) into ciphertext elements 2. Transposition techniques systematically transpose the positions of plaintext elements  Rotor machines are sophisticated pre-computer hardware devices that use substitution techniques.  Steganography is a technique for hiding a secret message within a larger one in such a way that others cannot discern the presence or contents of the hidden message.

5 Ciphertext Input Decryption algorithm Secret key Decryption Plaintext output Plaintext Input Encryption algorithm Secret key Encryption Ciphertext output

6  Plaintext: The original intelligible message or data that is fed into the algorithm as input  Encryption algorithm: The encryption algorithm performs various substitutions and transformations on the plaintext  Secret key: The secret key is also an input to the encryption algorithm  Ciphertext: The scrambled unintelligible message produced as output  Decryption algorithm: It takes the ciphertext and the secret key to produce the original plaintext


8 Encryption Y = E(K, X) Decryption X = D(K, Y) Chipertext Plaintext Secrete key Encryption algorithm Decryption algorithm

9  Strong encryption algorithm  Secret key should be secret (sender/receiver)

10  Cryptology 1- Cryptography (enciphering) 2- Cryptanalysis (deciphering)  Cryptanalyst (Opponent-Adversary- Hacker)

11  Encryption techniques  Substitution techniques  Transposition techniques  Secret keys  Symmetric (single-key)  Asymmetric (two-key)  Plaintext processing  Block cipher (processes one block of input elements at a time)  Stream cipher (processes one of input elements at a time)

12  Cryptanalysis ( plaintext-ciphertext pairs- algorithm nature)  Brute-force attack (try possible keys)  Objective recover the key

13  Unconditionally secure  Computationally secure  Cost of breaking cipher > value of encrypted information  Time of breaking cipher > lifetime of information


15  32-bit key  56-bit key (DES)  128-bit key (AES)  168-bit Key Key Size (bits)Number of Alternative Keys Time required at 1 decryption/µs Time required at 10 6 decryptions/µs 32 2 32 = 4.3  10 9 2 31 µs= 35.8 minutes2.15 milliseconds 56 2 56 = 7.2  10 16 2 55 µs= 1142 years10.01 hours 128 2 128 = 3.4  10 38 2 127 µs= 5.4  10 24 years5.4  10 18 years 168 2 168 = 3.7  10 50 2 167 µs= 5.9  10 36 years5.9  10 30 years 26 characters (permutation) 26! = 4  10 26 2  10 26 µs= 6.4  10 12 years6.4  10 6 years DES: Data Encryption Standard AES: Advanced Encryption Standard

16 1. Caesar Cipher 2. Monoalphabetic Ciphers 3. Playfair Cipher 4. Hill Cipher 5. Polyalphabetic Ciphers (Vigenère cipher– Vernam cipher) 6. One-Time Pad  - Substitution techniques  - Transposition techniques Rail fence

17  Plaintext: meet me after the party  Ciphertext: PHHW PH DIWHU WKH SDUWB abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz DEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABC Letter 3 rd letter Gaius Julius Caesar: Roman Dictator, 1st century BC

18  C = E(K, P) = (P + K) mod 26  P = D(K, C) = (C - K) mod 26 abcdefghijklm 0123456789 10 1112 nopqrstuvwxyz 13141516171819202122232425




22  5 × 5 matrix  Allied forces “MONARCHY” MONAR CHYBD EFGI/JK LPQST UVWXZ World War II Baron Playfair is a British scientist and a friend of Sir Charles Wheatstone in1854

23  Example:  Plaintext: “How are you” “HO WA RE YO UQ”  Ciphertext: “FH XN MK HN WL”

24  C = E(K, P) = PK mod 26  P = D(K, C) = CK -1 mod 26  For 3 × 3 matrix Lester S. Hill (1891–1961) :An American mathematician and educator

25 1. Vigenère Cipher 2. Vernam Cipher

26  C i = (p i + k i mod m ) mod 26  p i = (C i - k i mod m ) mod 26 Blaise de Vigenère (5 April 1523 – 19 February 1596): French diplomat, cryptographer, translator and alchemist

27 “decpective”

28 Gilbert Sandford Vernam (3 April 1890 – 7 February 1960): American scientist

29  Let the message be “IF” then its ASCII code be (1001001 1000110) and the key be (1010110 0110001)  Encryption: Plaintext: 1001001 1000110 Key: 1010110 0110001 Ciphertext: 0011111 1110111  Decryption: Ciphertext: 0011111 1110111 Key: 1010110 0110001 Plaintext: 1001001 1000110

30  An Army Signal Corp officer, Joseph Mauborgne, proposed an improvement to Vernam cipher that yields the ultimate in security  Mauborgne suggested using random key one time to encrypt and decrypt a single message  Random key  Unbreakable  One-time pad is the only cryptosystem that is referred to as perfect secrecy Joseph Mauborgne was American General (February 26, 1881 – June 7, 1971) co-invented the one time pad with Gillbert Vernam in 1914

31 Example

32  Rail fence “meet me after the toga party”

33 Hebern rotor machine Rotor machines

34  Steganography Character marking Invisible ink Pin puncture Type writer correction ribbon

35 Thank you for your attention

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