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Subtitle Title Date Cris Ross, co-chair Anita Somplasky, co-chair January 8, 2016 Certified Technology Comparison (CTC) Task Force.

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Presentation on theme: "Subtitle Title Date Cris Ross, co-chair Anita Somplasky, co-chair January 8, 2016 Certified Technology Comparison (CTC) Task Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subtitle Title Date Cris Ross, co-chair Anita Somplasky, co-chair January 8, 2016 Certified Technology Comparison (CTC) Task Force

2 Agenda Opening Remarks Develop draft recommendations Next steps 1

3 How does this information relate to the task force charge? The task force is charged with providing recommendations on the benefits of, and resources needed to develop and maintain, a certified health IT comparison tool. This task force will: – Identify the different health IT needs for providers across the adoption and implementation spectrum, with particular focus on providers with limited resources and/or lower adoption rates – Identify user needs for a comparison tool – Identify gaps in the current tool marketplace, and the barriers to addressing those gaps 2

4 Benefits of certified health IT comparison tool General consensus that tool is needed Would be useful for providers: – Making first purchase of health IT product – Considering modular component purchase to meet new health IT needs – Part of ongoing IT strategy to determine what products are in the market and assess future purchase needs 3

5 Identify the different health IT needs for providers across the adoption and implementation spectrum Health IT purchasing needs vary dramatically by practice size, location, specialty, and provider type Tools should allow health IT products to be sorted (e.g., practice size, provider types) – Should be searchable by multiple categories at a time; not useful if searchable on only one criterion 4

6 Gaps in existing comparison tools Not meeting specific needs of small practice providers or specialists Comprehensive CHIT cost information not available for comparison Usability (workflow & safety) information is not available for comparison Need information in comparison tools beyond what is captured through certification program Vacuum of comparable information and comparison metrics for health IT products needed to meet evolving requirements*: products may not exist, or comparison metrics still need to be defined. 5 *Alternative payment models (APMs), Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

7 Cost Lack of transparency Most important for features that the provider must have or feels should be a standard part of any health IT product (e.g., regulatory, privacy & security, interoperability) How best to be presented? – Ranges – Base cost – Total cost of use (1/3/5 year) – how is this defined? 6

8 Usability Complex Subjective Are there certain requirements every system should meet? Need peer-to-peer and 3 rd party independent reviews 7


10 Resources needed Making data publically available may reach more audiences – Specialty organizations could bring relevant data to the providers Scoring/rating system Need both peer-to-peer user reviews and independent 3 rd party evaluation – Clear delineation of information source 9

11 Peer-to-Peer Input Survey or crowd-sourcing? Questions to consider: Are you a current system user? – Would you recommend the system? If not, what system might better meet your needs? Cost – Is cost consistent with what you were told when you purchased it? 10

12 Vendor Input Targeted market (e.g., hospital, small practice, specialty, etc.) on predefined areas Suitability for setting of care – Can this be condensed into attributes for specialties (e.g., face-to-face information, G codes)? Level of connectability – How many and who are the products you can connect to? References – Selected or complete list of users? Cost transparency 11

13 Neutral, independent authority Usability Cost transparency Ability of products to integrate with other systems 12


15 Task Force Work Plan 14 Meeting DateMeeting Tasks Tue, Nov 17, 2015 9:00am Overview of charge and plan Initial considerations from committee Overview of market research to date Tues, Dec 1, 2015 12:30pm Review comparison framework Thurs, Dec 3, 2015 – Administrative Call Refine virtual hearing questions and panelists December 10, 2015 - Draft Recommendations to HITSC Status of current TF work Expectations for what will be learned from the virtual hearing Thu, Jan 7, 2016 10:00am Virtual Hearing Fri, Jan 8, 2016 12:00pm Summarize hearing, begin drafting recommendations Fri, Jan, 15 2016 11:00 am Virtual Hearing Tue, Jan, 19, 2016 12:00pm Finalize recommendations January 20, 2016 - Final Recs Joint HITPC/HITSC Presentation

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