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Aspect 1 Defining the problem - Problem: The design context will normally offer a variety of potential problems to solve. A focused problem and need is.

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Presentation on theme: "Aspect 1 Defining the problem - Problem: The design context will normally offer a variety of potential problems to solve. A focused problem and need is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aspect 1 Defining the problem - Problem: The design context will normally offer a variety of potential problems to solve. A focused problem and need is identified and fully explained/evidence given. Aspect 2 Formulating a brief or research question - Brief: The brief is detailed and justified and explains the nature of the intended outcome by including the following: the design goal (for example, A working prototype ) the target market for the product the major constraints (for example, should comply with new legislation, have fewer working parts, be cheaper to manufacture) within which it must be achieved the criteria by which a good design proposal may be achieved (for example, increased value for money and/or cost-effectiveness for manufacturer). Aspect 3 Selecting variables or specifications - Specification: The initial specifications are explained in relation to the design brief The specification is reasonably complete and justified as list of criteria against which ideas will be evaluated and the final outcome assessed. Priorities for research and development are explained. In the form of a e.g. Plan of Action, Time plan Alterations to the specification are stated in the form of a final 'product design specification‘ (PDS) at some point in the design process. DESIGN TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MARKING FORM Topics/Options: ETeacher: Alex ChingDate: SL HL Project Title: Design Project:Hours 28 41 Student:Cand No: Planning Evidence: Page No: General Criteria Detailed Criteria Mark Total Identifies a focused problem for a design project or investigation. C 2 States a detailed brief or research question that is appropriate to the level of study. C 2 Selects and explains appropriate variables specifications. C 2 6 Identifies a suitable problem, but lacks detail in explanation. P 1 States a brief or research question, but this is not explained in detail. P 1 Selects some appropriate variables or specifications. P 1 Does not identify a suitable problem or repeats the general aim provided by the teacher. N 0 Does not state a brief or research question or the brief or research question is inappropriate. N 0 Does not select appropriate variables or specifications. N 0

2 Mark Total Identifies suitable strategies for research. C 2Collects appropriate research material.C 2 Processes research material astutely with detailed analysis. C 2 6 Identifies some relevant strategies.P 1Collects some useful research material.P 1 Processes research material appropriately, though analysis is limited. P 1 Does not identify strategies or strategies are teacher-directed. N 0 Does not collect any research material or the material is inappropriate. N 0 Processes research material inappropriately. N 0 Aspect 1 Strategies : Research Plan A Plan is completed which identifies a variety of sources (e.g. primary and secondary, qualitative and quantitative) Suitable strategies for data collection are identified The priorities for collecting data are clear. Sufficient data is collected so that the brief can be suitably addressed. Aspect 2 Data Collection: Research Data collected is appropriate/ relevant to the design project There is be a balance between qualitative and quantitative data collection, and between primary and secondary data Data is presented clearly using a variety of appropriate forms for example tables, graphs, photographs, drawings and diagrams are understandable and labelled correctly, written observations and questionnaires are clear allowing for easy interpretation Aspect 3 Data processing and analysis : Analysis Clear evidence that raw data has been transformed and presented astutely in a form suitable for analysis, specifically data is analysed and processed correctly allowing for easy interpretation, for example observations are annotated, market research results are converted to graphical form and results analysed, diagrams/ drawings used to explain points. Written analysis is detailed and in sufficient detail for the brief to be answered. Analysis is made on the usefulness of the data collected in relation to the brief. Errors or uncertainties about the data collected should be identified when appropriate and the effect on the reliability of the data qualified. DESIGN TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MARKING FORM Topics/Options: ETeacher: Alex ChingDate: SL HL Project Title: Design Project:Hours 28 41 Student:Cand No: Research Evidence: Page No: General Criteria Detailed Criteria

3 Mark Total Uses a range of innovative ideas to solve the problem. C 2 Uses a wide range of appropriate techniques. C 2 Arrives at a good solution to the problem. C 2 6 Uses limited innovative ideas to solve the problem. P 1 Uses a range of appropriate techniques. P 1 Arrives at a satisfactory solution to the problem, but with aspects unresolved. P 1 Uses ideas that are mundane or irrelevant. N 0 Does not use a range of techniques or techniques are inappropriate. N 0 Arrives at an inappropriate solution to the problem or does not arrive at a solution. N 0 Aspect 1 Strategies : Creativity - Generating Ideas A range of original and innovative solutions (new ideas, creative, inventive) explored and explained using freehand sketches Analytical annotations explained strengths and weaknesses The research material forms the basis for generation of ideas. Ideas are evaluated for feasibility against specification and Idea Chosen for Development e.g. Attribute Analysis, interview with client Aspect 2 Data Collection: Techniques A wide range of techniques are used that are appropriate to the task and provide evidence of innovative ideas. These should include: Freehand, isometric exploded and perspective drawings Detailed drawing in the form of orthographic drawings (working drawings) Physical models (prototypes, scale, etc) CAD (in design process / simulation of final proposal) Tests / Experiments Aspect 3 Data processing and analysis : Solution - Developing Solutions Arrives at a good solution to the problem with all aspects resolved The detailing is sufficient for the solution to be realised, with materials and manufacturing techniques made explicit. The optimum solution is identified and evaluated in relation to the brief and specifications (e.g. attribute analysis, client interviewed, market research) The final solution is described in appropriate detail. Detailed Working Drawings are produced in correct format (correct symbol), using appropriate format (including dimensions, joints, parts list, tolerance, finish) and are to a standard that a third party could make the product. DESIGN TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MARKING FORM Topics/Options: ETeacher: Alex ChingDate: SL HL Project Title: Design Project:Hours 28 41 Student:Cand No: Development Evidence: Page No: General Criteria Detailed Criteria

4 Aspect 1 - Conclusion Evaluation against Specification: the evidence provided from testing is used to fully justify and evaluate the outcome against the final product specification Conclusion: The results of the evaluation against specification are used to reach a valid conclusion on how the outcome addresses the brief Aspect 2 - Procedure Evaluating the Procedure The suitability of chosen strategies at each stage of the project are comprehensively evaluated taking into account available resources, including time. When weaknesses and limitations are stated in the project, it is also indicated how significant these weaknesses were. Testing - The strategies for testing against specifications are planed and are both subjective and objective When testing strengths and weaknesses are identified using qualitative (such as user research) and quantitative techniques(as appropriate) Aspect 3 - Recommendations Improvements to the Procedure Improvements to the procedures are recommended with reference to the weaknesses and limitations identified in Evaluating the Procedure. The modifications proposed should be realistic and clearly described in detail. Improvements to the Product Realistic improvements or further developments to the final prototype are explained (relating to the Evaluation against Specification) using drawings and annotation Modifications are suggested for the prototype that consider changes to the design for scaling up production and to produce a design family of products. If appropriate a modified design specification is completed based on the evaluation that addresses the Weaknesses in the first solution, drawings can be used to illustrate Modifications Mark Total Provides clear evidence of a valid conclusion that addresses the brief or research question. C 2 Includes comprehensive evaluation of procedures at each stage of the investigation or project. C 2 Makes realistic recommendations for improvement. C 2 6 Provides a reasonable conclusion that makes reference to the brief or research question. P 1 Includes limited evaluation of procedures. P 1 Makes some useful recommendations for improvement. P 1 Provides no valid conclusion. N 0 Includes no evaluation of procedures or procedures are teacher directed. N 0 Makes no valid recommendations for improvement. N 0 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MARKING FORM Topics/Options: ETeacher: Alex ChingDate: SL HL Project Title: Design Project:Hours 28 41 Student:Cand No: Evaluation Evidence: Page No: General Criteria Detailed Criteria

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