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Trisha Hanifin 4/8/10 Academic literacies and Embedding at Unitec.

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Presentation on theme: "Trisha Hanifin 4/8/10 Academic literacies and Embedding at Unitec."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trisha Hanifin 4/8/10 Academic literacies and Embedding at Unitec

2 Three Key Literacy questions What are the literacy, language and numeracy demands of your course or programme? What foundational literacy knowledge, skills and strategies do your students enter your course/programme with – how do you know? What academic knowledge, skills and strategies do your students need to succeed on your course/programme? Authored by Trisha Hanifin

3 Academic literacies F:\My Documents\Acad+02c_Academic+Literacies_policy+v.15 Dec08.pdf F:\My Documents\Acad+02c_Academic+Literacies_policy+v.15 Dec08.pdf “ Academic skills are a range of abilities which enable a person to work through a process of defining a question, collecting and interpreting information, answering the question and presenting the answer. Academic skills include reading and writing, summarising, using a library, referencing, listening and note-taking.”

4 Question Answer Understand Organise Key questions/words Information Summarise Analyse/synthesise Present Think Critically Library Reference Write Numeracy Read

5 Key comprehension strategies  Making connections  Forming and testing hypotheses about texts  Asking questions  Creating mental pictures or imaging  Inferring  Identifying the writer’s purpose and point of view  Identifying the main idea  Summarising  Analysing and synthesising  Evaluating ideas New Zealand Ministry of Education: Effective literacy practice in Years 5 to 8 (2006), chapter 5, Engaging learners with texts pp 141-151

6 TEC Foundation Learning Progressions: a key resource on Foundational Literacies Read with understanding Write to communicate

7 Embedding: what does it mean? Embedding is a process not an event Requires identification of the demands of programmes/ courses and the needs of learners Linked to understanding both foundational and academic literacies Involves both diagnostic and formative assessment Depends on ongoing reflection and evaluation about demands, needs and learning interventions

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