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Phrasal Verb go. go + about  the way you deal with a task or problem [=tackle]  continue doing a job or regular activity in your usual way  move wherever.

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Presentation on theme: "Phrasal Verb go. go + about  the way you deal with a task or problem [=tackle]  continue doing a job or regular activity in your usual way  move wherever."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phrasal Verb go

2 go + about  the way you deal with a task or problem [=tackle]  continue doing a job or regular activity in your usual way  move wherever you want to in a place  [British] doing something regularly  [British] usually dress or behave in a particular way  [go about with someone] regularly meet someone and go to different places with them  [British] [a story or piece of news is going about] a lot of people hear the story or the piece of news or talk about it

3 go + after  [go after someone] follow someone or chase them, sometimes in order to attack them  [go after something] try to get something

4 go + against  [something goes against an idea, principle, or rule] something conflicts with an idea, principle or rule or contradicts it  [go against someone or their advice or wishes] do something different from what someone has advised you or wants you to do  [a decision or judgement goes against someone] a decision or judgement is unfavourable to someone, and they lose the case  [something goes against you] something happens in a way that is bad or unfortunate for you  [one group of soldiers goes against another] one group of soldiers attack another or prepare to attack

5 go + ahead  [someone goes ahead with something which they planned, promised, or asked permission to do] someone begin to do something planned, promised or asked permission to do  suggest someone to do something or permit or challenge them to do it  [someone goes ahead] go in front of someone else who is going in the same direction or to the same place

6 go + along  move in a particular direction or manner  go to an event or to do something, often in a fairly casual way  do something while you are doing something else and often without any planning, rather than doing it as a separate task  describe how something is progressing

7 go + along + with  agree with a person or idea, and accept that what they are saying is true  accept a rule, decision, or policy and obey it

8 go + around (round)  visit a group of people or places, or attend to each of them in turn  travel in a country or other place and visit a lot of different things  walk through every part of a room, building, or other area or make a circuit of it  [go around/ round a bend] move in a curving direction  move in a circular direction so that you can get past of an object or obstacle or get to the other side  dress or behave in a particular way very often or regularly  in the habit of doing something, often something that other people disapprove of, or do it repeatedly  [go around/ round with someone] regularly meet them and go to different places with them  [a story or piece of news is going around/ round] a lot of people hear the story or the piece of news and talk about it  [an illness is going around/ round a group of people] a lot of people catch an illness  there is enough of something to be shared among a group of people, or to do all the things for which it is needed

9 go + at  start doing a task or activity in an energetic or enthusiastic way

10 go + away  leave a place or a person’s company  leave home and spend time somewhere else, especially as a holiday  something, especially a problem disappears

11 go + back  return to a place where you were before  [something goes back to a particular time in the past] something was made, built or started at a particular time in the past  begin to consider things that happened at a time in the past  someone can never again be in a situation that they were in before, because too many things have changed  someone start living again with a partner that they had previously left or having a relationship with them again  [schools or schoolchildren go back] schools or schoolchildren start a new term after the holidays  [people on strike go back] end the strike and start working again  [something which you have bought or borrowed goes back] take something to the place where you got it, sometimes in order to change it

12 go + back + on  [go back on a promise, agreement, or statement] do not do what you promised or agreed, or you deny what you said

13 go + back + over  [go back over something] consider something again

14 go + back + to  start doing or using something again which you stopped doing or using  [go back to a point in a discussion or conversation] start talking about a point in a discussion or conversation again  [things go back to normal] things return to the state they were in before something else happened

15 go + before  [what has gone before] previous events, for example when you are comparing a situation with one in the past  people, problems or cases are officially considered or investigated so that a decision or judgement can be made

16 go + below  go down the stairs in the living or sleeping area on a boat

17 go + beyond  to do something more extreme, more serious, greater, or better

18 go + by  [a period of time has gone by] a period of time has passed  [someone or something goes by] someone or something passes you without stopping  [someone goes by a place] someone goes to a place for a short time in order to do or get something  [go by a particular thing] use the information or guidance that a particular thing gives you in order to do or understand something  [let someone’s remarks or actions go by] do not let someone’s remarks affect you

19 go + down  [someone or something goes down] someone or something moves from a higher position to a lower one  [someone or something goes down] someone or something collapses or falls over  [go down in a building] move downstairs  [go down to a place] visit a place or travel there, especially when the place is farther south than you or is in the country  [spoken] [go down the shop, bank, pub, or so on] go to the shop, bank, pub, or so on for a short while  something extends as far as a particular point or in a particular direction  [go down on your knees or on all fours] lower your body until it is supported by your knees, or by your hands and knees  The cost, level, standard, or amount of something becomes cheaper, lower, or less than it was before

20 go + down (cont’d)  [something has gone down] something’s quality or standard has become worse  air is lost from a tyre, balloon, or something else which has been inflated, and it becomes flatter and smaller  to happen  a swelling on our body or skin becomes less swollen or disappears completely  [something goes down in a particular way] something gets a particular kind of reaction from a person or group of people  [food or drink going down well] food or drink is eaten or drunk with enjoyment  the sun or moon sets  a ship sinks or a plane crashes  [go down in a particular way] you expect the consequences of your actions to be serious, but you still intend to do what you have planned  A person or team are defeated in a match or contest (in sports) [=lose]  [British] a person or team moves to a lower position in an official list, or to a lower division in a league (in sports)  [something goes down in writing] something is written down  [a computer goes down] a computer stops functioning temporarily  [British] [university students go down] university students leave university, especially at the end of their degree course, or at the end of term

21 go + down + as  someone or something are regarded, remembered, or recorded as a particular thing

22 go + down + with  catch an illness or develop it

23 go + for  choose a particular thing or aim to achieve it or encourage someone to choose a particular thing or to attempt to do something difficult  [go for someone or something] like someone or something very much  [go for someone or something] attack someone or something  a statement you have made about one person or thing is also true of the second person or thing  [something goes for a particular price] something is sold for a particular amount [=fetch]  a particular thing gives you an advantage in a situation

24 go + forth  someone leave the place where they were, usually in order to carry out some task or plan

25 go + forward  [something goes forward] something makes progress and begins to happen  [someone’s name goes forward as a candidate for a job or in a election] someone are proposed as a candidate

26 go + in  [go in somewhere] enter somewhere, especially your own house  [soldiers go in] enter a place or area of conflict, and become involved in the situation there  [go in somewhere such as a place of work or business or hospital] go to a place of work or business or hospital in order to work, to carry out business, to receive treatment, and so on  [someone goes in an organization] join an organization  [something goes in a container, object, or opening] something fits into a container, object, or opening  Structures or equipment are being built or installed  [British] the sun goes behind a cloud and can no longer be seen  have understood information or a fact and remembered it

27 go + in + for  [go in for a particular kind of thing] like a particular kind of thing and regularly do it, ear it, use it, and so on  [decide to go in for a particular kind of work] decide to do a particular kind of work as your job or career  [go in for a competition] take part in a competition

28 go + into  enter a room, building, or other place or go there  [soldiers go into] enter a place or area of conflict, and become involved in the situation there  [go into somewhere such as a place of work or business or hospital] go to a place of work or business or hospital in order to work, to carry out business, to receive treatment, and so on  decide to do a particular kind of work as your job or career  join an organization  describe a particular matter fully or in detail [=discuss]  examine or investigate a particular matter in detail  [someone goes into a long speech, outburst of laughter, piece of music, and so on] start speaking, laughing, or playing  begin being a particular state or situation  start taking part in an election, competition, or exam and so on  time, effort, or money is spent or used to do something, get it, or make it  things fit in a container or they are put there  someone or something starts moving in a particular kind of movement mentioned  a vehicle or its driver hits the other vehicle [=crash into]

29 go + in + with  [go in with someone] form a business partnership or working relationship with them

30 go + off  [go off somewhere] leave the place where you were, usually in order to do something  [a gun goes off] a gun is fired  [a bomb goes off] a bomb explodes  an alarm, bell or flashbulb operates, making a sudden loud noise or flash  a light, heating system, broadcasting station, or electric device stops operating  [an event or arrangement goes off well, smoothly, or without problems] an event or arrangement is successful or happens without any problems

31 go + off (cont’d)  a road or line separates from another and extends in a different direction  people start discussing or doing something different, unexpected, or unuseful  [British] [go off someone or something] stop liking someone or something  [go off a drug] stop taking a drug  [you go off] fall asleep  [British] [food or drink goes off] food or drink becomes stale, sour, or rotten [=decay]

32 go + off + on  [American] someone show that they are very angry with you about something

33 go + off + with  [someone goes off with another person] someone leaves their husband, wife, or lover and have a relationship with that person  [someone goes off with something that belongs to someone else] someone leave a place, taking something that belongs to someone else with them

34 go + on  continue to do something [=carry on]  [something goes on throughout a period of time] something continues to happen or exist  [something is going on] something is taking place at the present time [=happen]  [go on to do something] do something after you have finished something else  [go on in a particular direction] continue to travel or move in a particular direction  the way that a land, rock, or a road extends or its direction  a period of time passes and when you are describing events during that period  continue talking, perhaps after an interruption

35 go + on (cont’d)  [someone goes on about something] continue talking to you about the same thing, often in an annoying way  persuade or encourage someone to do something [=come on]  Indicate that you do not believe what someone has said [=get away]  [have something to go on] you have some information on which you can base an opinion or judgement  a light, machine, or other device begins operating  [one object goes on another] the first object fits or is put onto the second  an amount of money or a commodity is spent or used on something  an actor or actress appears in a play or makes an entrance onto the stage  start taking a drug  someone are approaching a particular age  [are gone on someone] are infatuated with someone

36 go + on + with  [have enough to be going on with] have enough for the present time

37 go + out  leave a room, building, or other place  leave your house and go somewhere else, for example in order to shop, visit friends, see a film, and so on  [be going out with someone] spend time with someone socially and have a romantic relationship with them [=date]  travel to a place, especially somewhere abroad or far away  people do something by making an effort and after planning to do it  [news, a message, or a letter goes out] news, a message, or a letter is announced, published, or sent, often officially

38 go + out (cont’d)  [British] a television or radio programme is broadcast  a light stops shining  a fire or something that is burning stops burning  [a person or team goes out of a competition] a person or team is defeated in a game and therefore can no longer take part in the competition  [something goes out] something is unwanted and someone gets rid of it  the tide falls so that the water reaches lower up the shore

39 go + out + for  [American] try to do something or be chosen for it

40 go + out + of  [a quality, especially a positive quality, has gone out of someone or something] someone or something no longer has a quality, especially a positive quality

41 go + over  [go over to someone or something] move towards someone or something and reach them  [go over to someone’s house] visit someone for a short time [=go round]  [go over to a place overseas] travel to a place overseas  [go over something] examine, discuss, or think about it very carefully and systematically  [something goes over well or badly] people react favourably or unfavourably to something

42 go + overboard  someone reacts more strongly or acts more extremely than you think they should have done

43 go + over + to  [in a conflict, if someone goes over to a group of people] someone join a group of people after previously belonging to a rival group  [someone or something goes over to a different way of doing things] someone or something change to a different way of doing things

44 go + round  [go round to someone’s house] visit someone for a short time  [go round in a circle] move in a circular direction  [something goes round] something spins or turns continuously like a wheel [=revolve]

45 go + through  [go through an event or period of time, especially an unpleasant one] experience an event or period of time, especially an unpleasant one [=undergo]  [someone or something goes through an official procedure] someone or something is made to do all the things that are required  [go through someone in order to do something] that person must deal with the matter before you can continue or get approval for it  a law, agreement, or official decision is approved by the people who have the power or authority to do so  enter a room and cross it  cross a town or country or stop there briefly on you way to somewhere else

46 go + through (cont’d)  examine a lot of things such as papers or clothes, usually in order to sort them into groups or to search for something [=look through]  say, describe, or discuss a list, story, or plan from beginning to end [=run through]  someone perform something such as a series of actions or movements  use a supply of something all so that there is none left [=get through]  [something such as a piece of clothing has gone through] there is a hole in a piece of clothing, because you have worn or used it so much [=wear through]  a person or team wins one stage of a competition and go on to the next stage (in sport)

47 go + through + with  [go through with a decision or an action] continue to do what is necessary in order to achieve a decision or an action or complete it, although this may be difficult or unpleasant

48 go + together  [two things go together] two things are often found in association with each other  [American] [two people go together] two people spend time with each other and have a romantic relationship [=go out]

49 go + towards  [one thing goes towards another] one thing contributes part of another  [an amount of money goes towards something] an amount of money is used as part of something’s cost

50 go + under  [someone or something, especially a business, goes under] someone or something, especially a business fails, loses power, becomes bankrupt, and so on [=collapse]  someone or something in the water sinks below the surface of the water  land is being ploughed or mown, and often when you want to suggest that it is being completely changed or destroyed  [trees going under something such as the axe] trees are being cut down

51 go + up  [someone or something goes up] someone or something moves from a lower position to a higher one  [go up in a building] move upstairs  [go up to someone or something] move towards someone or something until you are standing next to them  [go up to a place] visit a place or travel there, especially when the place is farther north than you or is in a city  something extends as far as a particular point or in a particular direction  the cost, level, standard, or amount of something becomes more expensive, higher, or greater than it was before [=rise]  [go up when you are making an offer or suggesting an amount] increase the original offer or amount

52 go + up (cont’d)  [a building, wall, or other structure goes up] a building, wall, or other structure is built or fixed in place  [curtain goes up] curtain is raised  [something goes up] something explodes or suddenly starts to burn  [a cheer, shout, or other noise goes up] a lot of people cheer, shout, or make that sound at the same time  [British] [university students go up] university students begin a degree course or return to university at the start of term  [British] a person or team move to higher position in a list, or to a higher division in a league (in sport)

53 go + with  [one thing goes with another] the two things are often found in association together  [one thing goes with another] the two things officially or properly belong together, so that if you get one, you also get the other  [American] [go with a plan, idea, or the people who are proposing it] decide to support a plan, idea and try to make them succeed  [someone is going with another person] they are having a romantic relationship

54 go + without  [go without something] do not have something or do it

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