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Road to the American Civil War

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1 Road to the American Civil War
By Brennan Snyder

2 Map of Southern States Vs. Northern States

3 Slavery? Legal? Northern States believed in abolishing slavery
Southern States wanted to keep slavery Benefited the south, not the north

4 Event 1: Compromise of 1850 Created by Henry Clay
Made to compromise beliefs of northerners and southerners Kept the nation temporarily united

5 Event 2: . Fugitive Slave Act
Prohibition of slave-trading in the District of Columbia Antislavery advocates gained the admission of California as a free state

6 Event 3: Uncle Tom's Cabin Published
Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe Book shows slavery is cruel and unjust

7 Event 4: Republican Party Formed
Combination of the Know-Nothing and Whig parties. John C. Fremont was its first candidate, in 1856. Lincoln was its first successful candidate, in 1860.

8 Event 5: Kansas Nebraska Act
Allowed people in Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether or not to allow slavery in their borders. Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise

9 Event 6: Pottawatomie Massacre
Abolitionists in Kansas kill five slave owners. Increases problems between pro and anti slavery

10 Event 7: Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott was an African-American slave. Claimed that Scott should be freed Widened the political and social gap between North and South

11 Event 8: John Brown's Raid
A leader in and a promoter of lawlessness during the troubles in Kansas Led his men into Ferry, Virginia to capture the federal buildings Hoped to cause an uprising with African-Americans

12 Event 9: Abraham Lincoln Is Elected President
Thought too many of the southern states were succeeding Stated slavery would no longer extend into new territories

13 Event 10: Confederate States of America Formed
Eleven southern states succeed from the rest of the country Said that slavery should be legal. Army led by Robert E. Lee

14 Work Cited

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