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Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO)

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1 Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO)
Status Report

2 Extended Diversion Time Operations…Definition
“Any flight by an aeroplane where the flight time at the one engine inoperative cruise speed (in ISA and still air conditions), from a point on the route to an adequate alternate aerodrome, is greater than the threshold time approved by the State of the Operator or any flight operated in an area designated by the State of the Operator as an area of extended diversion time applicability”

3 Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO)
Not the same as “long range operation” or “ultra-long range operation” Proposed for two, three and four engine aeroplanes Would place additional requirements on three and four engine aeroplanes involved in EDTO such as cargo compartment fire suppression and maintenance requirements

4 Issue and Terminology The problem is the length of the diversion, not the length of the flight in the event of a primary system or propulsion system failure ETOPS and LROPS do not describe the nature of the operation Extended Diversion Time Operations is considered more descriptive of the issue at hand

5 History EDTO provisions first proposed by Operations Technical Panel (OPSP/6) in 2003 Reviewed by ANC Proposal sent back to OPSP OPSP/7 refined the maintenance provisions for aeroplanes with more than 2 engines on EDTO Preliminary review by ANC and sent to States for comments in September 2007

6 Consultation with States and International Organizations
States had fundamental difficulties with many provisions Probable cause: proposal derived from existing ETOPS provisions extended to aeroplanes with more than 2 engines A new approach to Extended Diversion Times Operations for all aeroplanes, with any number of engines, is needed

7 The Way Forward for a New EDTO Concept
New group formed by ICAO: Special Operations Task Force Identify the safety issues SOTF Membership: Stakeholders involved in such operations: ~5 States, operators as advisors, IATA, IFALPA, EASA, ICCAIA, OPSP & Airworthiness Panel members Start with a clean sheet of paper, but consider the work done and comments from States

8 Timeline Meet in the fall 2008 Complete provisions in 2009
Applicable in 2010 at the earliest

9 Thank You

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