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T HE HUMAN BODY SYSTEM Justin Glover. T HE SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system is made up of many bones. The main bone is your spine. It allows you to.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE HUMAN BODY SYSTEM Justin Glover. T HE SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system is made up of many bones. The main bone is your spine. It allows you to."— Presentation transcript:


2 T HE SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system is made up of many bones. The main bone is your spine. It allows you to bind over and pick up something. There are also the hand bone the foot bone and more. All the bones help you do stuff like walking and they also support your body. The longest bone in your body is the femur. Did you know that your bones are filled with a fatty substance called bone marrow. In the bone marrow the red and white blood cells are manufactured then released into the blood stream. And over half of the bones in your body are hand and feet bones and that your bones stop growing at age 16 for girls and age18 for boys.

3 T HE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The function of the digestive system is that it helps digest the food that you eat. We digest all the food we eat we even drinks. The digestive system is made up of many things like the stomach. It takes several hours to digest all the things you eat.

4 T HE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The respiratory system is you lungs your heart your nasal passages the oral cavity the pharynx the larynx trachea the bronchi the lung the heart and last the ribs. If you don’t have your respiratory system you will stop breathing. Your respiratory system will get old while you age. Your respiratory system will get weaker if you smoke or if someone next to you is smoking.

5 T HE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM The circulatory system is made up of your heart and a whole bunch of blood vessels and veins. It helps pump blood into your body. Inside that blood is red and white blood cells, oxygen and nutrients that will help you live for along time.

6 N ERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system is your brain and your brain is what lets you know and do things with your body. You need your brain or you will not know anything and you will not be able to do anything. You may think that your brain is a computer because it sends everything to your micelles so that you are able to do things.

7 REFERENCES refurl= Design-V2/The-Nervous- System.html&h=127&w=98&sz=18&tbnid=UYu Cadvxd50J:&tbnh=127&tbnw=98&sa=X&oi=ima ge_result&resnum=1&ct=image&cd=2 &imgrefurl= lth/circulatorysystem.html&h=128&w=106&sz=3 8&tbnid=FAMHIGTJCFYJ:&tbnh=128&tbnw=1 06&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=imag e&cd=1 000008.html

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