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Chapter 24 The Jazz Age. Section 1 Time of Turmoil.

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1 Chapter 24 The Jazz Age

2 Section 1 Time of Turmoil

3 Vocabulary Capitalism Anarchist Communist

4 1. The Red Scare U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell _______ ordered the ______ of any person suspected of being ___________ or _________. Palmer arrest Communists anarchists

5 Section 2 Desire for Normalcy

6 1. Promoting Peace After WWI the United States, Great Britain, and Japan began a ______ arms race. naval

7 In 1921, Secretary of State Charles _______ met with representatives from Great Britain, Japan, France, and Italy and they signed the ____-______ Treaty. Hughes Five Power

8 Charles Hughes

9 The treaty limited the size of a nation’s _____. in 1928, these five joined fourteen other nations and signed the _______-_______ Pact, which outlawed war. navy Kellogg Briand

10 Section 3 A Booming Economy

11 Vocabulary Recession Gross National Product Installment Buying

12 1. Growth in the 1920s Before WWI only 30% of factories were run by ________, by 1929 it was _____. Electricity cost less than ____. electricity 70% coal

13 By saving on energy costs businesses could _____ prices on their products. lower

14 2. The Consumer Economy By 1920 _____ of households had electricity. Americans were eager to buy refrigerators, ______, _______ cleaners, fans, and ______. 60% stoves vacuum radios

15 In the 1920s, Americans got a new way of buying large items, __________ _______. Americans could buy products by promising to pay _____, regular ________ over a period of time. installment buying small amounts

16 Henry Ford stunned corporate leaders by paying his employees ___ per week. By 1924 a Model T cost less than _____ and with the average worker making ______ a year most Americans could afford a car. $5 $300 $1,000

17 ________ did not share in America’s economic prosperity. Farmers

18 Section 4 The Roaring Twenties

19 Vocabulary Flapper

20 Throughout the 1920s the number of _______ working outside the home continued to grow. Most of them had to take jobs considered “women’s” work like, ________, and _______. women teaching typists

21 Flappers were “_________” women. They had “_______” haircuts, heavy ________, and short _____. liberated bobbed makeup skirts



24 The radio brought entertainment into people’s ______. ________, ________, and boxing popularity soared. homes Baseball football

25 Baseball player Babe ______, football player Red ________, boxer Jack _________, golfer Bobby ______, and swimmer Gertrude ______ became household names. Ruth Grange Dempsey Jones Smith






31 Also during the 1920s Americans took up any new activity with enthusiasm and turning them into ____. In 1922, the Chinese board game ____ - _____ swept the county. fads Mah jongg


33 In 1924, __________ puzzles became the rage. _________ sitting became popular, record ____ days, ___ hours by Alvin “shipwreck” Kelly. crossword Flagpole 23 7


35 ______ marathons lasting 3 or 4 days. Americans danced to a new sound called _____. Dance Jazz


37 Louis ___________, Duke ________, and Bessie ______ were the best known Jazz musicians. Armstrong Ellington Smith





42 Books written by Americans became popular, writers like F. Scott __________ and Ernest ___________. Fitzgerald Hemingway



45 Section 5 Clashing Cultures

46 Vocabulary Prohibition Evolution Nativism

47 Americans living outside the cities identified ______, corruption, and _________ behavior with those living in the cities. crime immoral

48 They believed the America they grew up with and valued – ______, _______, and ________ - was under attack. family church tradition

49  A series of ________ clashes between those who defended __________ values and those who welcomed ____ ________. cultural traditional new lifestyles

50 ____ Amendment to the Constitution banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of _______. The demand for alcohol however led to ____________. 18th alcohol law breaking

51 Illegal bars and club, known as ___________ began and the only way to enter one was with a secret _________. speakeasies password

52 Prohibition contributed to the rise of criminals like Al “Scarface” _______ who made and sold alcohol. In the 1920s the ___ ____ ____ made a strong comeback. Capone Ku Klux Klan


54  The cultural came to national attention in 1925 when the question of how much ________ should be in our society. religion

55 That clash came in the form of a court trial called the ______ _____. The trial was a case of ________ vs. _________. Scopes Trial creation evolution



58 This case became known as the ________ _____. Monkey Trial



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