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Information Storage and Energy Transfer. Nucleic Acid Basics Made of C,H,O,N,P SPONCH Monomer is a nucleotide Functions - information storage - information.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Storage and Energy Transfer. Nucleic Acid Basics Made of C,H,O,N,P SPONCH Monomer is a nucleotide Functions - information storage - information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Storage and Energy Transfer

2 Nucleic Acid Basics Made of C,H,O,N,P SPONCH Monomer is a nucleotide Functions - information storage - information transfer - energy transfer

3 Meet the Monomer-Nucleotide P = Phosphate Group S= 5 Carbon Sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) B= Nitrogen Base

4 Meet the Polymer Polymers of nucleic acids are chains of nucleotides joined by condensation reactions They are held together by covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of another - called phosphodiester bonds

5 Meet the Polymers DNA 2 chains of nucleotides held RNA together by H Bonds

6 Nucleic Acid Types-DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid made of two strands of nucleotides Form a double helix DNA stores hereditary information - recipes for the proteins found in the cell’s nucleus

7 Nucleic Acid Types- RNA Ribonucleic Acid Single strand of nucleotides forms a single helix transfers information from the DNA to the ribosomes - carries a protein recipe to the ribosome - ribosomes are structures in a cell that make protein

8 DNA- stores protein recipes in the nucleus RNA – transfers them to the ribosome to be built

9 DNA vs. RNA Double stranded Single Stranded Sugar–Deoxyribose Sugar – ribose Nitrogen Bases Nitrogen Bases Adenine Adenine Thymine Uracil Guanine Guanine Cytosine Cytosine

10 Nucleic Acid Types - ATP Adenosine Tri-Phosphate ATP is a single nucleotide high energy molecule produced by cellular respiration transfers energy within cells


12 Nucleic Acid Types-ADP Adenosine Di-Phosphate Single nucleotide “rechargeable” energy transfer molecule Lower energy than ATP Cellular respiration converts ADP into ATP


14 Flashcards for Fun and Profit Elements found in Nucleic Acids Functions of Nucleic Acids Parts of a nucleotide Phosphodiester bonds Structure and function of DNA Role of H bonds in DNA Structure and function of RNA Structure and function of ATP Structure and function of ADP

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