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Matter and Energy and Life Donald Winslow 14 January 2014.

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1 Matter and Energy and Life Donald Winslow 14 January 2014

2 Matter & energy ● Matter – Composed of particles, has mass ● Energy – The ability to do work, involves forces that affect position & movement of particles. – Kinetic energy, potential energy, heat, light, electromagnetic radiation.

3 Subatomic particles ● Atomic nucleus composed of protons & neutrons; electrons orbit nucleus. ● Protons – Positive (+) charge, ~1 atomic mass unit ● Electrons – Electric (-) charge, ~0 atomic mass units – Potential energy of electron increases with increasing distance from nucleus. ● Neutrons – No charge, ~1 atomic mass unit

4 Matter & energy ● Matter – Composed of particles, has mass ● Energy – The ability to do work, involves forces that affect position & movement of particles. – Kinetic energy, potential energy, heat, light, electromagnetic radiation.

5 Subatomic particles ● Atomic nucleus composed of protons & neutrons; electrons orbit nucleus. ● Protons – Positive (+) charge, ~1 atomic mass unit ● Electrons – Electric (-) charge, ~0 atomic mass units – Potential energy of electron increases with increasing distance from nucleus. ● Neutrons – No charge, ~1 atomic mass unit

6 Elements & atoms ● Atomic symbols – C, H, N, O, P, S, etc. ● Atomic numbers – Number of protons in nucleus ● Periodic table of the elements ● Isotopes – 12 C & 14 C, radiation

7 Atoms can be combined to form molecules. Chemical reactions result in exchange of atoms between molecules, synthesis of large molecules from small molecules, or division of large molecules into small molecules.

8 Elements & compounds ● An element contains only one kind of atom. – Examples: Au, O 2 ● A compound contains multiple kinds of atoms. – Examples: H 2 O, CO 2

9 Chemical bonds ● Ionic bonds – Relation to salts ● Covalent bonds ● Polar covalent bonds – Hydrogen bonds

10 Properties of water ● High heat capacity, high heat of vaporization ● Solvent ● Cohesion & adhesion ● Ice is less dense than water ● Hydrogen ion concentration is measured by pH

11 Acids, bases, & buffers ● An acidic solution has a high H + concentration & therefore a low pH. – vinegar, citric acid, ascorbic acid, HCl, H 2 SO 4 ● A basic (alkaline) solution has a low H + concentration & therefore a high pH. – sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3 ), antacid, NaOH ● A buffer solution contains a compound that maintains the pH within a narrow range by binding excess H + and OH - ions. – Examples: carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ), NaHCO 3

12 Organic molecules ● Lipids ● Carbohydrates ● Amino acids & proteins ● Nucleic acids

13 Lipids ● Variable structure – Lots of H & C; not much O or N – Not water soluble ● Functions in energy storage, membranes, chemical messengers, etc. ● Fatty acids, phospholipids, steroids, cholesterol, waxes, oils

14 Carbohydrates ● Polysaccharides are polymers of monosaccharides (monomeric sugars). ● Function in energy storage & transfer, structural features such as plant cell walls ● Examples: glucose, fructose, sucrose (table sugar), lactose, starch, glycogen

15 Proteins ● Proteins are polypeptides, often modified to form complex shapes. – A polypeptide is a polymer of amino acids, connected by peptide bonds. ● Function as enzymes (catalyzing chemical reactions), structural proteins, hormones, antibodies, etc. ● Examples: amylase, keratin, insulin

16 Nucleic acids ● Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides. ● Function in heredity; direct cellular metabolism, development, etc. ● Examples: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA)

17 Molecular shape is important to biological function

18 Properties of living things ● Growth, development, reproduction ● Need energy & materials for metabolism ● Composed of cells ● Organized ● Communication of information ● Adaptation ● Genes direct development, etc.

19 Biological hierarchy Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Organism Population Community Nine-banded armadillo

20 Ecological hierarchy Organism Population Community Ecosystem Landscape Biome Biosphere Agricultural corridor within forested landscape in southern Indiana.

21 Taxonomic hierarchy ● Domain – Kingdom ● Phylum – Class ● Order ● Family ● Genus ● Species

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