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Making the Most of Your Data To Inform and Improve Teaching and Learning Swain County Schools March 8, 2013 The Power of EVAAS.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Most of Your Data To Inform and Improve Teaching and Learning Swain County Schools March 8, 2013 The Power of EVAAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Most of Your Data To Inform and Improve Teaching and Learning Swain County Schools March 8, 2013 The Power of EVAAS

2 Today’s Presenters Becky Pearson Professional Development Consultant Region 8 Joyce Gardner Professional Development Consultant Region 8 Jason Rhodes Professional Development Consultant Region 8

3 Agenda Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Overview Pre Assessment EVAAS Basics Diving into Reports Leveraging EVAAS to Change Instruction 3

4 Outcomes Explore and understand the EVAAS philosophy Understand and use various EVAAS reports Using report data to drive changes in teaching that will impact student learning

5 Resources

6 Virtual Resources Data Literacy Module

7 Pre-Assessment

8 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I am very familiar with the Educator Val...

9 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I know how to log in to the EVAAS websit...

10 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I know how to navigate the EVAAS website...

11 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I understand EVAAS report names

12 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I know how to use the EVAAS website to g...

13 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I know how to access EVAAS reports for i...

14 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I am able to analyze the metrics in EVAA...

15 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I know how to collect evidence from EVAA...

16 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I know how to interpret the following re...

17 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I am able to communicate the findings of...

18 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I am able to use data analysis to initia...

19 What is EVAAS? Education E Value V Added A Assessment A System S So What Does It Do?

20 What is Data Literacy? The understanding needed to: Find Evaluate Utilize data to inform instruction.

21 A Data Literate Person Can… A data literate person possesses the knowledge to gather, analyze, and graphically convey information to support short and long-term decision-making.

22 Table Talk What is EVAAS? How are you currently using EVAAS? What benefits/difficulties have you experienced? What have you learned?

23 Benefits and Considerations for Teachers Understand academic preparedness of students before they enter the classroom. Monitor student progress, ensuring growth opportunities for all students. Modify curriculum, student support, and instructional strategies to address the needs of all students. Professional Development is the Key Data Conversations / True PLCs Culture of School Sensitivity of Data Finger Pointing and Blame Game Window vs. Mirror

24 NC Professional Teaching Standards Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership.  Take responsibility for the progress of all students  Use data to organize, plan, and set goals  Use a variety of assessment data throughout the year to evaluate progress  Analyze data Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students.  Use data for short and long range planning Standard V: Teachers are reflective on their practice.  Collect and analyze student performance data to improve effectiveness

25 Standard 6 for Teachers Teachers contribute to the academic success of students. The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable progress for students based on established performance expectations using appropriate data to demonstrate growth.

26 Benefits for Principals Gain a consolidated view of student progress and teacher effectiveness, as well as the impact of instruction and performance. Bring clarity to strategic planning and function as a catalyst for conversations that must take place to ensure that all students reach their potential. Understand and leverage the strengths of effective teachers. Use the valuable resource of effective teaching to benefit as many students as possible.

27 NC Standards for School Executives Standard 2: Instructional Leadership Focuses his or her own and others’ attention persistently and publicly on learning and teaching by initiating and guiding conversations about instruction and student learning that are oriented towards high expectations and concrete goals; Creates processes for collecting and using student test data and other formative data from other sources for the improvement of instruction Ensures that there is an appropriate and logical alignment between the curriculum of the school and the state’s accountability program Creates processes for collecting and using student test data and other formative data from other sources for the improvement of instruction

28 Standard 8 for School Executives Academic Achievement Leadership School executives will contribute to the academic success of students. The work of the school executive will result in acceptable, measurable progress for students based on established performance expectations using appropriate data to demonstrate growth.

29 Changes in Reporting for 2012-13 2011-122012-13 Above Not Detectably Different Below Exceeds Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Does Not Meet Expected Growth

30 Teacher Ratings Categories Teachers 165432 Demonstrate Leadership Establish Environment Know Content Facilitate Learning Reflect on Practice Contribute to Academic Success 5 Rating Categories Not Demonstrated Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished 3 Rating Categories Does Not Meet Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Exceeds Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Does Not Meet Expected Growth 2012-13

31 Table Talk How do you explain the concept of Achievement vs. Growth?

32 Student Achievement End of School Year Proficient

33 Student Growth End of School Year Proficient Start of School Year Not Proficient Change over time

34 Achievement vs. Growth Student Achievement: Where are we? Highly correlated with demographic factors Student Growth: How far have we come? Highly dependent on what happens as a result of schooling rather than on demographic factors

35 The EVAAS Philosophy All students deserve opportunities to make appropriate academic progress every year. There is no “one size fits all” way of educating students who enter a class at different levels of academic achievement.

36 The EVAAS Philosophy Adjustments to instruction should be based on the students’ academic needs, not on socio-economic factors. "What teachers know and can do is the most important influence on what students learn." (National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, 1996)

37 Achievement and Poverty How is this fair?

38 Academic Growth and Poverty No one is doomed to failure.

39 39 Copyright © 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved. High-Achieving Students and Progress All schools in Tennessee in 2011 - Math students in grades 4 through 8. Districts, schools, and teachers that serve high achieving students can make excellent progress, just as easily as those that serve low achieving students.

40 Proficiency vs. Growth ScenarioProficientGrowth 5 th grader begins the year reading at a 1 st grade level. Ends the year reading at a 4 th grade level. 5 th grader begins the year reading at a 7 th grade level. Ends the year reading at the 7 th grade level. NO YES

41 Table Talk How could you use the concept of achievement vs. growth when speaking with parents? How does the achievement vs. growth conversation guide PLCs?

42 EVAAS Overview

43 What is EVAAS? SAS EVAAS Analyses WritingACT End of Course End of Grade LOOKING AHEAD Planning for Students’ Needs: Student Projections to Future Tests LOOKING BACK Evaluating Schooling Effectiveness: Value Added & Diagnostic Reports

44 How can EVAAS help me? Improve the Education Program EVAAS: Looking Back Past Program Effectiveness Local Knowledge & Expertise EVAAS: Looking Ahead Incoming Student Needs

45 Answers the question of how effective a schooling experience is for learners Produces reports that –Predict student success –Show the effects of schooling at particular schools –Reveal patterns in subgroup performance

46 Test Your Knowledge of EVAAS Reports At your tables, you will find copies of a variety of reports available from EVAAS and labels for each report. Working with your group, match the report label with the appropriate report.

47 Reflective Assessments

48 Value-Added Reporting

49 Use to evaluate the overall effectiveness of a district on student progress Compares each district to the average district in the state for each subject tested in the given year Indicates how a district influences student progress in the tested subjects District Value Added Report


51 The School Value Added Report compares each school to the average school in the state. Comparisons are made for each subject tested in the given year and indicate how a school influences student progress in those subjects.

52 Value-Added Reporting

53 If the Mean NCE Gain is greater than or equal to zero, the average student in this school has achieved a year’s worth of academic growth in a year If the Mean NCE Gain is less than zero, the average student in this school has achieved less growth than expected Mean NCE Gain

54 Value-Added Reporting The NCE Base is by definition set at 50.0, and it represents the average attainment level of students in the grade and subject, statewide. If the school mean is greater, the average student in the school is performing at a higher achievement level than the average student in the state.

55 Use to identify patterns or trends of progress among students expected to score at different achievement levels District Diagnostic Reports

56 District Diagnostic Report This report is intended for diagnostic purposes only and should not be used for accountability.

57 What do you see?

58 Features of the Diagnostic Report Quintiles Green Zero Line Previous Cohort(s) Confidence Band Whiskers 2 Standard Errors

59 Features of the Diagnostic Report Clickable Information Reference Gain Standard Error

60 District Performance Diagnostic Reports Use to identify patterns or trends or progress among students predicted to score at different performance levels as determined by their scores on NC tests Students assigned to Projected Performance Levels based on their predicted scores Shows the number (Nr) and percentage of students in the district that fall into each Projected Performance Level

61 Interpreting the Pie Chart Yellow Green Light Red

62 Your Turn to Interpret


64 The Power of Patterns

65 Diagnostic Reports Looking for Patterns

66 School Diagnostic Shed Pattern

67 School Diagnostic Reverse Shed Pattern

68 School Diagnostic Tent Pattern

69 School Diagnostic V Pattern

70 School Diagnostic Opportunity Gap Pattern

71 What would an ideal pattern on a Diagnostic Report look like for closing the achievement gap?

72 Diagnostic Reports – Desirable Pattern

73 Diagnostic Report Desirable Pattern

74 Diagnostic Reports – Whiskers

75 1. Go to the website

76 1. Go to 2. BOOKMARK IT! 3. Secure & Convenient Online Login

77 Do you see this?

78 Reality Check Activity Using reports from your school, choose one grade level and subject area. Go to the School Diagnostic Report.  Identify the pattern found in that report.  What does this data pattern tell you as teacher?  What are your next steps? *Handout: “Interpreting Your School’s Results”

79 The Power of the HELP Button Activity Refer back to your Diagnostic Reports. Using the HELP button, find information about the red lines called whiskers running vertically through the bars on the graph. Share with a partner your explanation of the Diagnostic Report “whiskers.”

80 Overview of School Effects

81 Overview of School Effects (sample data)



84 Overview of School Effects It’s Your Turn! Find the blank table. Do this by yourself. Using your data Fill in your table.

85 Overview of School Effects What did you find? Interesting Patterns Insights Areas of Concern Areas of Celebration

86 Student Pattern Report

87 Key points to remember: The report shows growth for the lowest, middle, and highest achieving students within the chosen group. The report can be used to explore the progress of students with similar educational opportunities. Like all diagnostic reports, this report is for diagnostic purposes only. A minimum of 15 students is needed to create a Student Pattern Report.

88 Student Pattern Report


90 Key Questions

91 Student Pattern Report – Key Questions Different experience? Different strategies? Different needs? Number of hours?

92 Student Pattern Report – Key Questions Different experience? Different strategies? Different needs? Number of hours? Rerun the report with new criteria. YES!

93 Student Pattern Report – Next Steps 16 Students who attended for 40+ hours All 31 Students in the Program

94 Less Informed Conclusion: We need to change the selection criteria for this program. More Informed Conclusion: We need to adjust the recommended hours for participants.


96 Custom Student Report HANDOUT

97 Academic At-Risk Reports

98 3 Categories At Risk- at risk for not meeting the annual federal academic indicators Graduation at Risk-reports for students at risk for not making a Level III on EOC subjects required for graduation Other at Risk-reports for students at risk for not making Level III on other EOC subjects

99 Academic at Risk Reports Be Proactive Use these reports for discussing, developing and implementing targeted intervention and support to students who are at risk for not meeting future academic milestones. 99

100 Making Data Driven Decisions

101 What Are Projections?

102 What Are Projections Anyway? Given a specific set of circumstances… …what’s the most likely outcome?

103 What Are Projections Anyway? Given this student’s testing history, across subjects… …what is the student likely to score on an upcoming test, assuming the student has the average schooling experience?

104 EVAAS Projections What are they based on? Expectations based on what we know »About this student and other students who have already taken this test »Prior test scores (EOC/EOG), across subjects »Their scores on the test we’re projecting to

105 What’s the Value of the Projections? Projections are NOT about predicting the future. They ARE about assessing students’ academic needs TODAY.

106 Assessing Students’ Needs What are this student’s chances for success? What goals should we have for this student this year? What goals should we have for this student in future years? What can I do to help this student get there?

107 Using Projections to Take Action Identify students Assess the level of risk Plan schedules Identify high-achievers Assess the opportunities Inform

108 Making Data Driven Decisions

109 Data Mining


111 Student Project Report



114 Thinking of the State Distribution by QUINTILES QUINTILE 1 QUINTILE 2 QUINTILE 3 QUINTILE 4 QUINTILE 5

115 Note the Student’s Projected QUINTILE QUINTILE 2

116 Past Effectiveness Reflecting on Past Effectiveness to Plan for Differentiating Student Instruction Entering Achievement

117 Past Effectiveness Reflecting on Past Effectiveness to Plan for Differentiating Student Instruction QUINTILE 2 Entering Achievement


119 Academic Preparedness Report 119

120 Teacher Value-Added Report

121 Why should you care about your EVAAS Teacher Value Added Report? Beginning with your 2013 report, it becomes part of your evaluation. –Standard 6 – Teachers contribute to the academic success of their students. (Measurable Progress) –Standard 4 – Teachers facilitate learning for their students Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students –Use data for short and long range planning –Standard 5 – Teachers reflect on their practice. Teachers analyze student learning.

122 Why should you care about your EVAAS Teacher Value Added Report? You care about your students.

123 Achievement vs. Progress Student Progress – How far have I come? Highly dependent on what happens as a result of schooling rather than on demographic factors.

124 Achievement vs. Progress Focus on progress Educators can influence this Minimum expectation = one year of academic gain

125 Understanding Value Added Projection report looks at past testing information and projects how a student will perform. –Student’s own past performance –Performance of students who have taken the test previously Students must have three prior test scores for something to be included in the teacher’s predictive report. Whole cohort of students analyzed.

126 EVAAS can tell you WHAT happened. It’s up to YOU to determine WHY it happened and what you want to do about it. Improve the Education Program EVAAS Local Knowledge & Expertise

127 Info about Teacher Reports State Growth Standard/State Average = 0.0 Standard Error = a measure of uncertainty –Usually, the more data you have, the smaller the standard error. Index = Teacher Estimate divided by Standard Error

128 Effectiveness Categories

129 Effectiveness Level Determination Exceeds Expected Growth: –Teachers whose students are making substantially more progress than the state average –Index is 2 or greater

130 Effectiveness Level Determination Meets Expected Growth: –Teachers whose students are making the same amount of progress as the state average –Index is equal to or greater than -2 but less than 2

131 Effectiveness Level Determination Does Not Meet Expected Growth: –Teachers whose students are making substantially less progress than the state average –Index is less than -2

132 Evaluation Composite Index: Teacher Estimate Divided by Standard Error Courses included in calculation Statewide distribution of teacher status.



135 Understanding Teacher Value-Added Reports Teacher Estimate: How much progress did this teacher’s students make compared to other students across the state? Index: Teacher estimate divided by the standard error. Index is the basis by which teachers are assigned to effectiveness levels.

136 EVAAS Teacher Value Added Report



139 Supplemental Information Table

140 Student Teacher Linkages

141 EVAAS Student Report

142 Teacher Diagnostic Report


144 Making Generalizations

145 What generalizations can we make? What do we not know? How do we find out?

146 EVAAS Teacher Diagnostic Report

147 School Composites

148 Using Teacher Reports to Improve Student Progress 1.Identify highly effective teachers 2.Identify teachers who need support 3.Identify strengths and areas for improvement of individual teachers 4.Identify school-wide strengths and weaknesses to inform and provide professional development opportunities 5.Facilitate powerful, crucial conversations between teachers and administrators 6.Impact scheduling decisions *See “Using Teacher Data”

149 Role Play Activity

150 PLC Predictions and Possibilities

151 Exit Tickets and Feedback As you reflect on today’s session, use two sticky notes to capture your thoughts on these topics: 1.Greatest Take Away 2.Now, I Need…

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