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Leadership within the Catholic Church Archbishop Bishop Cardinal Monk Nun Pope Priest Arrange these in order of who has the most power within the Catholic.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership within the Catholic Church Archbishop Bishop Cardinal Monk Nun Pope Priest Arrange these in order of who has the most power within the Catholic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership within the Catholic Church Archbishop Bishop Cardinal Monk Nun Pope Priest Arrange these in order of who has the most power within the Catholic Church.

2 The Christian Church in Western Europe during Era 1 Notes 2.2 World History October ___, 2015

3 Spread of Christianity Christianity became dominant throughout Western Europe during Era 1 By 1400, it became an important minority faith in Southwest Asia, Egypt, Ethiopia, & parts of Inner Eurasia and Russia.

4 Buddhism Hinduism Islam Christianity The spread of universal religions from 300-1500 CE

5 Spread of monastic orders Many monastic orders developed during Era 1. Each order had a different focus, and many became sources of “social welfare” for Western Europe. Cistercian Order: the height of its expansion, 1151, when there were more than 330 houses.

6 One thing monastic orders did was help establish and run UNIVERISITIES throughout Europe.

7 The Christian Church in western Europe was headed by the Pope in Rome and linked under a hierarchy of bishops, priests, monks, and nuns.

8 This hierarchy evolved over time, and it still exists today for the Catholic Church.

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