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Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: February 28, 2016 1 Welcome to Program Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: February 28, 2016 1 Welcome to Program Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 1 Welcome to Program Evaluation Unit Six: Social and Political Context of Program Evaluation Unit 6 Unit 7 - Assignment Reminders

2 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 2 Contacts Contact AIM: seabrooks09 – Tuesday’s 4pm to 6pm eastern E-mail : 770-375-6774

3 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 3 Discussion Board  Each week there is one or two discussion questions which is worth 25 points  Communications must be professional and civil at all times. All posts must be done in an environment which is collaborative.  Please make sure your message is substantive – more than “I agree” or less than a paragraph response.  Articles  Websites  Reading

4 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 4 Course Unit Unit 6 – Social and Political Context of Program Evaluation 1.Read: Chapter 10 in the eTextbook (McDavid & Hawthorn) and Web Readings 2.Review Unit 6 Key Terms 3.Take part in the Discussion Board - 25 Points (2 Questions) 4.Attend Seminar -10 Points 5.Familiarize yourself with Needs Assessment assignment due in Unit 7 (October 11 th )

5 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 5 Course Unit Unit 7 – Needs Assessment: Research Principles and Methods 1.Read: Chapter 6 in the eTextbook (McDavid & Hawthorn) 2.Review Unit 7 Key Terms 3.Take part in Discussion by looking at additional resources - 25 Points (2 Questions) 4.Attend Seminar -10 Points 5.Complete Needs Assessment assignment and submit- 150 Points (October 11 th )

6 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 6 Course Unit Unit 6

7 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 7 Unit 6 Political and Social Affects of Program Evaluation Internal Interest Groups External Interest Groups and Unions Risk Taking Management and non-management attitudes

8 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 8

9 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 9 Unit 6 Purpose of Program Evaluation Improve the confidence of the American people in the capability of the Federal Government, by systematically holding Federal agencies accountable for achieving program results; Initiate program performance reform with a series of pilot projects in setting program goals, measuring program performance against those goals, and reporting publicly on their progress;

10 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 10 Unit 6 Purpose of Program Evaluation Improve Federal program effectiveness and public accountability by promoting a new focus on results, service quality, and customer satisfaction; Help Federal managers improve service delivery, by requiring that they plan for meeting program objectives and by providing them with information about program results and service quality;

11 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 11 Unit 6 Purpose of Program Evaluation Improve congressional decision making by providing more objective information on achieving statutory objectives, and on the relative effectiveness and efficiency of Federal programs and spending; and Improve internal management of the Federal Government.

12 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 12 Unit 6 Purpose of Program Evaluation Improve congressional decision making by providing more objective information on achieving statutory objectives, and on the relative effectiveness and efficiency of Federal programs and spending; and Improve internal management of the Federal Government.

13 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 13 Unit 6 What type of performance information will Elected officials use? Available to them Better informed of program results Able to compare results to expenditures

14 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 14 Assignment Unit 7 - Assignment

15 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 15 Logic Models ng/diagramming-your-nonprofit.htm

16 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 16

17 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 17 Assignment Week 7 – Plan a Needs Assessment In preparation to perform the needs assessment, develop a program logic model for the “Doc on Wheels” program. Use the background material given for the “Doc on Wheels” program and design a flow chart to illustrate a program logic model. Include program inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes (initial, intermediate and long-term). Analyze the elements of the flow chart

18 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 18 Assignment Take 5 minutes to read the Background Material Located: Under Unit 7 (Assignment) Case Study

19 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 19 Assignment Week 7 – Logic Model Outcomes InputsActivitiesOutputsInitialIntermediateLong-term

20 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 20 Assignment Week 7 – Logic Model Inputs - Are the resources that are required to operate the program—they typically include money, people, equipment, facilities, and knowledge. Budget: $590 million 3 Medical Personnel 1 driver

21 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 21 Assignment Week 7 – Logic Model Activities – Program Activities (They can be administrative units within an organization that is delivering a program.) The van will operate 5 days a week and on Saturdays between 10am to 6pm Operate on site in 4 designated neighborhoods with significant percentages of poor, elderly or shut in residents

22 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 22 Assignment Week 7 – Logic Model Outputs – Results of activity or processes Routine health care services Monitored: Patient compliance with prescribed medications

23 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 23 Assignment Week 7 – Logic Model Outcomes Intermediate – What is going on secondly (middle) as a result of what occurred under initial Due to the lack of insurance coverage for many individual serviced – increase of hospital indigent care “write offs” Put pressure on the hospital to assess the needs of the community.

24 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 24 Assignment Week 7 – Logic Model Outcomes Initial – What are the first outcomes generated from the outputs? Yearly cost is $395,000 to operate the van Local emergency ambulance service and fire department have both notice a roughly 45% increase in calls for emergency.

25 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 25 Assignment Week 7 – Logic Model Outcomes Long-term – What will be the outcome of all the events and activities? Budget cuts How can the hospital and city collaborate to make things better on both sides?

26 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 26 Assignment Week 7 – Assignment 1.Specifically, how does the logic model contribute to a needs assessment of the “Doc on Wheels” program? 2.What are the specific inputs, activities and outputs of the “Doc on Wheels” program? 3.In what ways can this logic model assist the Hospital? 4.If the Hospital chooses to share it with the City Council, in what ways can it assist the local government?

27 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 27 Assignment Week 7 – Assignment 5.Articulate the specific intended casual linkages of the “Doc on Wheels” program as illustrated by your program logic model. Review Table 2.1 on p. 46 in your eTextbook for an illustration of a program logic model. Make use of your course reading, and consult two valid outside resources for this activity.

28 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 28 Assignment Week 5 – Assignment  Length should be 2-4 pages, excluding your cover and references page, in 12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable).  Your logic model should be legible, and your analysis should include enough information to establish linkages  Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).

29 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 29 Assignment Week 5 – Assignment  Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date  Use double-space and Arial or Times New Roman in 12 point font size  Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format

30 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 30 Reminders Week 7 – Assignment  Lastly, please label your projects: username-project- unit#.doc. For example, a student named Tina Allen would name her file TAllen-Needs Assessment-Unit 7.doc.  Submit your Evaluation Process paper by the end of Unit 7. 150 Points – Due October 11 th

31 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 31 Logic Models Templates cmodelworksheets.html

32 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 32 References  McDavid, J. & Hawthorn L. R. L. (2006). Key concepts and issues in program evaluation and performance measurement. McDavid, J. & Hawthorn L. R. L. Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement: An Introduction to Practice (pp. 1-38). Retrieved from http://content- ter01.pdf http://content- ter01.pdf

33 Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: Tseabrooks@kaplan.eduTseabrooks@kaplan.eduSunday, February 28, 2016 33 Adjourn Have a great week… “See” you on the Discussion Boards Goodnight!

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