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THE WORLD OF WORK. The Labor Force All people eligible to be employed who either are employed or are seeking employment.

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Presentation on theme: "THE WORLD OF WORK. The Labor Force All people eligible to be employed who either are employed or are seeking employment."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Labor Force All people eligible to be employed who either are employed or are seeking employment.

3 Unemployment Persons aged 16 years and older who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work, except for temporary illness, and had made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed.

4 Unemployment Rates: Aug. ‘11 National Level: 9.1% State Level: 9.9% Local Level: 9.8%

5 Occupation Categories  Executive, Administrative, and managerial  Professional Specialty  Technical Occupations  Sales Workers  Administrative support occupations  Service Occupations  Precision production,craft, repair workers

6 Occupation Categories (cont.)  Operators, fabricators, and laborers  Farming,forestry, and fishing  Transportation and material moving

7 Job Distribution: 1990 Technical, Sales, Admin Support: 30.9% Managerial/Prof. Specialty: 26.5% Oper.,Fab., Laborers: 14.7% Service Occupations: 13.7% Precision Production,craft,repair: 11.3% Farming,Forestry,Fishing: 2.9%

8 Job Distribution: 2000 Technical, Sales, Admin Support: 29.2% Managerial/Prof. Specialty: 30.3% Oper.,Fab., Laborers: 13.6% Service Occupations: 13.4% Precision Production,craft,repair: 10.9% Farming,Forestry,Fishing: 2.6%

9 Job Distribution: 2005 Technical, Sales, Admin Support: 26.9% Managerial/Prof. Specialty: 30% Oper.,Fab., Laborers: 12.2% Service Occupations: 19% Precision Production,craft,repair: 11.2% Farming,Forestry,Fishing:.7%

10 Job Distribution: 2015(projected) Technical, Sales, Admin Support: 25.6% Managerial/Prof. Specialty: 31.4% Oper.,Fab., Laborers: 12.1% Service Occupations: 20% Precision Production,craft,repair: 10.3% Farming,Forestry,Fishing:.6%

11 Changes in the Labor Force

12 What do we look for in a job?  AREAS OF JOB SATISFACTION:  Money  Enjoyment of work  Security  Benefits  Learning new things  Working with people

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