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Breaking News It is the fall of 1786 in Massachusetts. The state has been plagued by an economic depression since 1784 and it has gotten worse due to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Breaking News It is the fall of 1786 in Massachusetts. The state has been plagued by an economic depression since 1784 and it has gotten worse due to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breaking News It is the fall of 1786 in Massachusetts. The state has been plagued by an economic depression since 1784 and it has gotten worse due to the state legislatures decision to pay of its war debt in only 3 years. Taxes are raised and currency restrictions are set in place. The group hit hardest by this are the thousands of small family farmers who do not deal with currency but rather exchange goods and services. It is economically and physically impossible for them to make the payments. Although many of these farmers are veterans of the Revolutionary War, they must live in constant fear of being arrested and their property seized by local sheriffs. Former Revolutionary soldier Daniel Shays has begun organizing groups of irate farmers and leading them in military training exercises. As a result, a new Massachusetts law is passed making it illegal to join a mutiny or for groups of armed men to meet in public. Despite this, Shays and over 700 angry armed farmers have gathered to attempt to shut down local courthouses. As the crowd gains supporters, Shays and his men begin marching towards the federal armory in Springfield.

2 Are the actions of Daniel Shays justifiable? Why/not? What specific steps do you feel should be taken by the state government? What specific steps do you feel should be taken by the federal government? What restrictions are placed on the government by the Articles of Confederation? What does Thomas Jefferson think? – “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” What does George Washington think? – “Commotions of this sort, like snowballs, gather strength as they roll, if there is no opposition in the way to divide and crumble them. I am mortified beyond expression [as] we render ourselves ridiculous and contemptible in the eyes of all Europe.” What does Sam Adams think? – “The man who dares rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death.”

3 What is the long-term significance of Shays’s Rebellion?

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