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Chapter 17 Section 3 Before: Quick Write – Explain the beliefs of humanist during the Renaissance.

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1 Chapter 17 Section 3 Before: Quick Write – Explain the beliefs of humanist during the Renaissance.

2 Chapter 17 Section 3 Questions 1.The first leader of the Christian humanism movement was ______. 2.The pope sold _____, or pardons, to get money to repair St. Peter’s in Rome. 3.Because of Luther’s ideas, a new _____ grew that became the Protestant branch of Christianity. 4.Charles V went to war against _____ Lutheran rulers to keep kingdoms under the influence of the Catholic Church. 5.Calvinists believe that the _____ should control the church.

3 Calls for Church Reform Martin Luther – a monk who challenged the Roman Catholic Church. At first Luther only wanted to reform the Catholic Church, leading to a period called Reformation. The movement to create Christian Churches other than the Catholic Church became known as Protestantism. Desiderius Erasmus – a leader in Christian humanism. He felt humans could use reason to be better Christians.

4 Calls for Church Reform People became upset with the Church’s focus on money. They were also upset over the sale of indulgences, or pardons of sins. This practice motivated Martin Luther to write a list of 95 arguments against selling indulgences. This list became known as the 95 Thesis. Luther excommunicated by the pope. Ideas led to a new denomination: Protestantism

5 Lutheranism

6 Faith, not good works brings salvation.

7 Lutheranism The Bible is the final spiritual authority. Faith, not good works brings salvation.

8 Lutheranism The Bible is the final spiritual authority. All believers, not just the clergy, make up the church. Faith, not good works brings salvation.

9 Politics and Lutheranism Local kings and nobles of the Holy Roman Empire did not want Charles V, the Holy Roman Empire, to become too powerful. Kings became Lutheran along with their kingdoms. The Catholic Church could not earn income from the Lutheran Kingdoms. Charles V warred with the local Kings but could not defeat them. Peace of Augsburg

10 Calvin and Calvinism John Calvin – studied theology, the study about God, in Paris. Was forced to flee Paris because of a discussion about Lutheranism. Went to Geneva, Switzerland. Taught that God’s will is absolute and decides everything in advance, including who will go to Heaven and who will not. This belief is called predestination.

11 Calvin and Calvinism Calvinism encouraged people to work hard at their business and to behave themselves. Calvin’s belief that congregations should choose their own leaders supported the idea of English settlers in America that they should be able to elect their own political leaders. Calvinism became the basis of many Protestant churches, such as the Puritans and Presbyterians.

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