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A Critical Thinking Workshop Workshop designed by Lynn Carpenter, Patricia Smith, and Sheree Greer Funded by CETL/Critical Thinking Institute – St. Petersburg.

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Presentation on theme: "A Critical Thinking Workshop Workshop designed by Lynn Carpenter, Patricia Smith, and Sheree Greer Funded by CETL/Critical Thinking Institute – St. Petersburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Critical Thinking Workshop Workshop designed by Lynn Carpenter, Patricia Smith, and Sheree Greer Funded by CETL/Critical Thinking Institute – St. Petersburg College Facilitated by Sheree Greer with support from Bridgette O’ Donnell, Annie McGregor, and WOW

2  “To be a role model for my child.”  “To get skills for a better job.”  “To make more money.”  “To be a.”  “To figure out what I want to do with my life.”  “To fulfill my dream of going to college.”

3  “My parents said I need to either go to school or get a job.”  “Everyone says it’s what I’m supposed to do after high school.”  “I tried it before. I’m going to do better this time.”  “I need a better job.”  “Two words: Refund. Checks.”  “This is how you make more money.”


5  The question, “What Was I Thinking?” implies reflection.  Reflection invites evaluation and consideration, the hallmarks of critical thinking.  Answering the question, “What Was I Thinking?” requires acknowledgment.  Decision dictates movement, whether forward or backward.

6 1. What is Critical Thinking? 2. Learning from Our Personal and Shared Experiences? 3. Understanding, Maintaining, and Changing Our Habits 4. Goal-Setting and Life-Planning 5. Working Instead of Worrying: Solution-based Thinking 6. Plans for Success

7  Critical thinking defined…  Sharing is caring…  What I’ve Always Always Done…

8  Evaluation of content  Reflection on paradigm shifts  Identification of skill sets  Intention to continue skill sets

9  Final sessions will focus goal-setting, planning, and solution-based thinking  Possible Solutions versus The Answer: A lesson in connotation  Visualization as a technique for meeting challenges, evaluating options, and finding solutions  Managing deviations from the vision: reflect, reset, and return

10  Brainstorm a short list of goals for the remainder of the semester  Choose one from the list  Visualize yourself completing the goal – remember that all goals are made up of smaller tasks, visualize the tasks that go into your main goal  Free-write the steps included in your visualization

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