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By, Nia. Opening Note Date: o3/16/12 These are things I think I do well. 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. math I am most proud of Math because I moved up another.

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Presentation on theme: "By, Nia. Opening Note Date: o3/16/12 These are things I think I do well. 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. math I am most proud of Math because I moved up another."— Presentation transcript:

1 By, Nia

2 Opening Note Date: o3/16/12 These are things I think I do well. 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. math I am most proud of Math because I moved up another level.

3 The one thing I need to continue to work on the most is math because there are some things in math that I don’t know about yet but I should know You can help me do this by helping me with my math like you already do. My goal before the end of the year is to know how to be better at math.

4 School Feelings I feel the best about myself in class when I get at least 5 answers right. I have the most fun in this class when there is a field trip or when we get a treat for being good. I feel proud of myself in this class when I am working really hard on my math boxes. The best thing I contribute to this class is

5 Self Report Card Always, Usually, Sometimes Seldom I use time wisely, always I follow directions, always I complete assignments on time, always I get my planner signed every week, always My papers are neat, usually I work quietly, usually My desk is organized, always I work well in groups, always I put a lot of effort into my work, always I participate in class discussions, always

6 Math Reflection Things that I have learned 1.How to add fractions 2.How to add negitive numbers and positive 3. How to do mixed fractions Things I have to work on 1. Mixed fractions 2. Making whole numbers into fractions 3. Making fractions into desimals

7 Math Reflection continued I feel okay when I work in math class because I some times get the question right some times I don’t Outside of school, I use math when I do my home work

8 Reading Reflection Things that I have learned 1. How to read better 2.How to read long words 3. How non-fiction books work Things that I have to work on 1. Talk a little louder when I’m answering questions 2. Understanding what I read 3.Finding the right reading level for me

9 Home Reading Reflection The kind of books I like to read are fiction I choose what I’m going to read by looking at the back I can become a better reader by reading books my level

10 Reflection on Writing I think my writing is improving because I’m putting in more details. I am really proud of how I get most of the hard words correct when I am spelling.

11 Writer’s Workshop I feel great when I work in writer’s workshop because I know what I’m doing. I use writing in my everyday life when I’m bored and have nothing else to do.

12 Social Studies Reflection My favorite thing about Social Studies this year was the exploring project. I learned the following information 1. How American Indians lived back then 2.What they used to survive 3.That they faced many challenges

13 Science Reflection My favorite thing about Science this year was the project when we mixed in different chemicals. I learned the following information 1. if you put baking soda and vinegar together, it starts to bubble up. 2. if you shake the test tube with baking soda and acid it started to fizz and make a noise. 3. when we mixed water, vinegar, baking soda and kool aid in a bag and shook it, it makes helium. If you shake it too much it will pop like a balloon.

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