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-As media has evolved so has the engagement needs of the Presidency. -First just a leader, -then a public speaker, -then engaging on the radio -then look.

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Presentation on theme: "-As media has evolved so has the engagement needs of the Presidency. -First just a leader, -then a public speaker, -then engaging on the radio -then look."— Presentation transcript:


2 -As media has evolved so has the engagement needs of the Presidency. -First just a leader, -then a public speaker, -then engaging on the radio -then look good for TV -now constant media spotlight and living under a microscope -In our democratic constitutional republic system he/she is head of state and head of government. -The symbolic head of our country. Who we are known for around the world. Media and the Prez

3 -Article II: Section 2: 1, 2, & 3 & Section 3 (pg. R52) -As the head of the executive branch he can tell the cabinets/agencies what and how to pursue policies, issues, laws, etc. (MJ, Immigration, Police Brutality, Etc.) -Head of foreign affairs. Our international ambassador. -That’s it? -He/She does a lot more than that now…. The Constitution

4 -It started early, EVEN WITH THE FOUNDING FATHERS!!!! (WTF!@!#!@!#!@!!!) 1-John Adams (2 nd President): Alien and Sedition Act. (Aspects used in WWI & II, again with Trump?) A. Constitutional? B. Justifiable? 2 -Thomas Jefferson: Louisiana Purchase. “I stretched the constitution until it cracked.” A. Constitutional? B. Justifiable? 3. -Andrew Jackson: vetoed the Second Bank of the US; enforced the Indian Removal Act, “The bank is trying to kill me, I will kill it.” “Let’s see the Supreme Court try and stop me.” A. Constitutional? B. Justifiable? 4 -Lincoln: suspended habeas corpus; declared a war w/o Congress; shut down newspapers; created taxes w/o Congress; freed slaves in a different country. A. Constitutional? B. Justifiable? 5-Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt: trust busting; Panama Canal. A. Constitutional? B. Justifiable? Changing Presidency…More Power…Que Music

5 6- FDR: internment of Japanese citizens; pushing war; the alphabet soup; packing the Supreme Court; lead-lease program; 4 TERMS!!! A. Constitutional? B. Justifiable? 7-JFK: Bay of Pigs 8-LBJ: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 9-Nixon: surveillance; Watergate 10-Reagan: Iran Contra Affair 11-G.W. Bush: Patriot Act; No Child Left Behind 12-Obama: ACA (Obama-Care). -All of these actions, and more, have led to the Presidency forever changing. 13-Could it go backwards? The March Continues….

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