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DIAS How to half N-losses, improve N-efficiencies and maintain yields? The Danish Case By Tommy Dalgaard C.D. Børgesen, J.F.

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Presentation on theme: "DIAS How to half N-losses, improve N-efficiencies and maintain yields? The Danish Case By Tommy Dalgaard C.D. Børgesen, J.F."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIAS How to half N-losses, improve N-efficiencies and maintain yields? The Danish Case By Tommy Dalgaard (, C.D. Børgesen, J.F. Hansen, N.J. Hutchings, U. Jørgensen and A. Kyllingsbæk. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Agroecology. Plantekongres 2006. Session T96: Tools for reducing N-losses. Can we fulfil the WFD?

2 DIAS Programme Agriculture & Environmental problems __ in Denmark Developments in the N balance N-yields versus N-losses Catalogue of statutory measures to __ improve N-management _ - How half N-losses and maintain yields?

3 DIAS Intensive agriculture in Denmark 2,7 mio ha agricultural land (63% of total area) 5 mio people - 4,5 mio t milk - 24 mio pigs/yr 8 t milk/cow/yr 24 piglets/sow/yr 7,5 t wheat/ha/yr 7500 km coastline Drinking water = groundwater

4 DIAS Dairy Cows Pigs Wheat (1000’s) (1000’s) (1000 ha)

5 DIAS The nitrogen balance

6 DIAS Development phases N-importsN-exports NB: year 2000= index 100

7 DIAS I: Traditional livestock farming (1900-1950) NB: year 2000= index 100 II

8 DIAS II: The green revolution (1950-1983) NB: year 2000= index 100 I II

9 DIAS III: Sustainable development (1984-?) NB: year 2000= index 100 I II III

10 DIAS N-exports and crop yields

11 DIAS N-surplus, N-leaching and N-efficiency

12 DIAS Distribution of simulated N-leaching

13 DIAS Action plans to reduce N-losses 1985: Action plan to reduce N- and P-pollution 1987: First action plan for the aquatic environment (AP-I) (Aim: half N-losses and reduce P-losses by 80%) 1991: Action plan for sustainable agriculture 1998: Second Action Plan (AP-II) 2000: AP-II midterm evaluation and enforcement 2001: Ammonia Action Plan 2004: Third Action Plan (AP-III)

14 DIAS The 1985 Action Plan

15 DIAS AP-I for the Aquatic Environment

16 DIAS Action Plan for Sust. Agriculture

17 DIAS AP-II for the Aquatic Environment

18 DIAS Ammonia Action Plan

19 DIAS AP-III for the Aquatic Environment

20 DIAS Summary Improved N-management via: Mandatory fertilisation accounts Norms for fertilisation of crops Subsidies for new manure equipment and __ environmental friedly practices Extensive research, demonstration and __ advisory programmes Better utilisation of manures

21 DIAS Norms for manure N-utilisation % plant available N in manures

22 DIAS Conclusion The regulations have been succesfull and might serve as inspiration for other countries N-leaching almost halved from 1985-2004 Livestock production increased by 30% N crop yields sustained Still posibilities and environmental needs for improvements. Better methods for regionalised assessments needed for the implementation of the WFD

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