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Drosophila Basic Studying the Monohybrid Cross Cost: $87.95 Presented by Alvin Essenburg.

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1 Drosophila Basic Studying the Monohybrid Cross Cost: $87.95 Presented by Alvin Essenburg

2 Kit Includes Anesthetizer Sorting brushes Culture containers Instant Drosophila medium Teacher's Notes Supplies Needed: – Wild and Sepia Drosophila cultures (not part of cost) – Disecting Scope (Magnifying glasses are difficult to use)

3 Procedure Step 1: Remove all Sepia adults from culture – Mature adult females can't be used because they can store sperm for their entire life Sepia

4 Procedure 2. When new fruit flies hatch in Sepia culture: – Remove all adults in Sepia culture within 6-8 hrs. – Sort and isolate females for 3-4 days in new culture tube. Sepia Sepia females Sepia males

5 Sorting Male and Female



8 Procedure 3. Setup new culture tubes. – Place 5 Sepia female and 5 Wild males in each. (P generation) Sepia FemaleWild Sepia Female x Wild Male

9 Procedure Flies will breed and lay eggs. Sepia Female x Wild Male

10 Procedure 4. After 7-10 days, before new flies hatch, remove all adults. Sepia Female x Wild Male

11 Procedure 5. New flies will be the F 1 generation, remove adults within 6-8 hours and tally each species All will be Wild (Red eyes) F 1 generation

12 Procedure 6. As new F 1 generation flies hatch, place 5 male and 5 female F 1 in a new culture. F 1 generation F 1 x F 1

13 Procedure 7. Remove adults within 6-8 hours and tally each species – New flies will be the F 2 generation. About ¼ should hatch as Sepia F 1 x F 1

14 Evaluation Pros – Students get to actually do a monohybrid cross – High interest lab Cons – Very time consuming and scheduled – Medium grew mold easily – May be difficult for students to sort flies at home – Could choose different varieties that can't fly

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